About Me
im clayton!!! :)
back to school, senior at LAFEYETTE. 18 years young. I'm Italian/White and it has it's benefits ;) haha. I'm joining the NAVY next year, i'm training really hard for navy seal training. I don't plan on giving up on anything, i know what i want and i go after it. I will reach my goals with time. anyone wanna look down on me?? your the appitimiy of your own demise.
My lifestyle consists of MY FRIENDS, WRESTLING, CAGEFIGHT TRAINING, MORE WRESTLING, GRAPLING/SUBMISSION/STAND-UP and power lifting/weight training, oh and MY FRIENDS :). I train hard but i love harder, i'm not cocky, i'm not about myself, i'm the most unselfish person you'll ever meet, i honestly care more about my friends than myself and i hate the idea of anyone dying.
i do some pretty stupid/random things, but mostly just for the fun of it. i am actually a pretty intellegient person, thats what my teachers have been telling me my entire life anywyas. haha, i wanna major in something sweet.I'm not shy, at all.
get to know me and find out for yourself.
WRESTLERS: Are the strongest fastest and smartest athletes in the world. But that's not what makes them unique. They are the MOST dedicated people in the world. They sacrifice their lives to a sport of fighting. Where practice is 3 hours of lifting and throwing and conditioning. 3 hours of a literal street brawl. They give up there social lives. They cant party and get drunk because making weight on Saturday won't allow it. They cant go smoke after school cause they worked too damn hard to get into shape. They have no team out on the mat with them to help get past an opponent. They stand on a mat with all eyes on them, alone, no one to fall back on when they make a mistake, no safety to make the tackle, and no goaly to make a diving save. They are the leanest meanest and strongest in the world. Ladies want them, men want to be just like them. So this is a tribute to all those who sacrifice everything, their free time, their food, and most importantly their life. Why would someone work so hard, til they are puking in practice, sweating in their 3 layers and a sauna suit or skipping that badass party? Or why would they induce the blood sweat and tears? Or the early morning runs, or mid day workouts or the extra run after practice to lose that last pound to make weight. The road in wrestling always ends in tears. The man that takes second cries cause his dreams are over, and the man that wins it all cries more than anybody because finaly everything that they have afore mentened is finally worth while. Wrestlers will wrestle through anything because they are friggin' wrestlers. And greatness walks right with the word wrestler. I salute all who commit there life to something greater, something bigger than themselves. Wrestlers dont wrestle cause they like it, you would be crazy to like to beat yourself up on a daily basis, and get beaten up by teammates and opponents just as much. Yet there are the few who love it, they do it cause they were born to. These select people I applaude. There is no future in wrestling, no pro league, no million dollar contract. Just a smelly practice room and a dream to be great.Wrestling is not a sport, its a lifestyle, if ur a true wrestler copy and paste on your profile. "Don't let shit phase you."
40 reasons to date a wrestler
1. we can *manhandle*.. its what we do.
2. we are used to rollin around all sweaty.
3. we are used to wearing close to nothing at all.
4. we are comfortable enough to get naked infront of a room full of other people.
5. we can beat up your x's.
6. we are masters at riding hips.
7. three words say it all : Saturday Night Ride.
8. we have unbearable stamina.
9. we are flexible as shit.
10. we can go hard for hours at a time.. and recover within minutes.
11. we are buff and stuff.
12. we are always fatter then you are.
13. we are masters at leg riding.
14. we can pin you down easily.
15. we can diet with you.
16. we know more moves then kamasutra.
17. we can share spandex.
18. we are supurb with our hands.
19. we can obey and control.
20. we can roll you to your back in a moments notice.
21. we know how to cradle you.
22. we will ride your hips and if that doesnt work we will push your head down.
23. you will NEVER be on top.
24. if you shoot down on us we will sprawl out
25. we define *high crotch*
26. you will go down before we do
27. if we force you down we will do it softly
28. so there is no such thing as *foul play*
29. when we 'sit in the chair' you will go down
30. we have one hell of a bear hug.
31. we can *switch* positions quickly
32. you will never complain to us for stalling.
33. you will start on your hands and knees, but we will put u on your back.
34. we will give you the choice: top, bottom, or standing.
35. we bleed as much as you do.
36. we will always gain control, no matter what position.
37. we can break a bone and keep going until we are satisfied or time runs out.
38. we are used to full contact.
39. your tampons work wonders on a bloody nose.
40. we are used to listening to the other person moan in pain.
AIM- wanarassleclayzy
"-I fight handicaps"
VA Duals Club Wrestling-
Peninsula Wrestling Association
Raider Nation Wrestling Club
Lifting weights
Best friends
being strong-inside and out
my brother is nick moats, hes a dick. but he means alot to me, he really knows what he wants and shoots for it, even though he beats around the bush alot. he probabaly thinks im ungrateful and only care about myself, but he hasn't got a clue, mostly because i feel as if he wouldn't accept anything sensitive from me, so instead i just play the tough guy with him. but i love him, so who cares.