Beanie a-go-go profile picture

Beanie a-go-go

You ask me how to cure your headache; use a gun

About Me

Summing it up: I like Cats, especially mine; Music; Animals (all Animals); Friends; Water; Vegetarian Foods; Euro cars; Art in general; Concerts/shows; Nature; Dragons; Horror movies; Astrology; Purple; Gnomes; Europeon history; H.R. giger; traveling; ASL; Revenge; New castle Ale;long car rides; candles; vegetables; bar conversations; Dreaming; Appletinis!; Museums; Camping; bondage; Go-go dancing, communication without the use of words; Aim; photographs; Halloween; Beer; the Ocean; porn; Egyptian pyramids; memories; the moon; blood tears; water lilys; Piercings/tattoos; Love; stabbings in the chest; randomness; Alice in Wonderland; commitment; Pirates!; humor; Alcohol; Snow cows; comic books; crazy people and so on.....wanna hear the list of things i dont like?.....:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Watch me Go-go!

at club Hell!! :::::::::::::: im also doing some fetish/bondage modeling.:::::::::::::: ....................................

My Interests

i think i already had a list going on somewhere on my site..... yeh there~ ....

My cat.

I'd like to meet:

Ive already met him: but If it matters to you: People who play well with others. anyone interesting enough to keep my attention...(anyone who annoys me or shows me their stupidity i will feel the need to stab you.... cant help it.)
Just Follow the rabbit.....

This is Tigger:
..... ::::


Music = My God. metal,black metal,industrial,some 80s...and anything that sounds good to me and that i can connect to.... ::


do you like scary movies? yeh i sure do. .."application/x-shockwave-flash"


I'd kill my tv if it werent so cool and big and pretty n' stuff. so im stuck watching cool shows like Conan o'brain. then theres things i encounter like the simpsons,kids in the hall,south park,strangers with candy, reno 911, and family guy.- good quality stuff to keep your brain occupied so you dont have to think anymore. : )


currently reading: The rules of attraction.


did i ever tell you your my hero? your everything i wish i could be. i can fly higher then anyone,cus you are the wind beneath my wings.haha

This guy



Joaquin Phoenix;

Willy Wonka ..
anyone who dislikes Bush... ..................................

My Blog


I think there are other people out there that can agree with me that sometimes being in love with someone only causes them pain. Like being inlove with the wrong person, or being crossed lovers, or ju...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 02:09:00 PST

Heres a reply to your email

There are so many things i would like to say, like how your a coward and a spineless douche. If your going to send me an email telling me how "friends" should be, then at least give them the oppertuni...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 12:23:00 PST

Dormant volcano

Whats sharper tonight?, your words or your silence?Whats really burning?, my heart or your skin?-"its like im dealing with a dormant volcano"- Who knows when it'll erupt. who knows how many souls to s...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 01:37:00 PST

My Duck

heres Howard at 5 days old.i know, hes adorable. duck party labor day, who's coming,eh?-B...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 01:29:00 PST


If i had a giant eraser....i would erase anything i've ever said out of my insecurity.i'd erase what is hurting inside us and all of the immaturity.I'd erase the confusion,our doubts, and our frustrat...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 03:37:00 PST

the seasons make a circle

All the rain drops have fallen and soaked through. wipe away the mold and pollinate. the flowers are weak and need water. with the seasons everything will die to make life,its a cycle, a wheel. make t...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 02:27:00 PST

Hammy babies

On Nov. 3rd my hamster had her second batch of babies. i thought i'd post them now.....only a week old.a whole world in the palm of my hand.Me and mrs. bonnie. a week after she had her batch babies un...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 04:56:00 PST

My Birthday Party! (pics for 18+)

These pics are for 18 and up. if you find them offensive then fuck you. Its all in good fun and is meant to totally NOT be taken seriously.lets begin...My birthday night started out normal... Jay and...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 07:10:00 PST

Club Hell photos by Richard- Nov.15

A shot done by Richard yea, its me.With the splendid Sithvamp:And of course, with Richard:For all who went, it was awesome. for those who didnt, better luck next time : P...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:14:00 PST

The Man Period.

Im coming to a conclusion that the expression "im having my man period" is just an excuse for whiney men to go act like a cocksucker once a month. If i can control my PMS to the point of just having a...
Posted by Beanie a-go-go on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 12:07:00 PST