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"Because it takes a small person to beat a defenseless animal...and an even smaller person to eat it."-Chew on This
"Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight."-Albert Schweitzer
~I dream that someday people will stop torturing animals~
shock goat
Alicia Silverstone for PeTA
Short featurette by Shaun Monson, the director of the powerful film "Earthlings," which is narrated by Joaquin Phoenix. All three parts can be viewed on YouTube. This is a bit choppy, but you also view it at where it won't pause.
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I became a vegan in September 2006 after viewing a video titled "Chew on This," which you can watch below. It is something I wish I had done years ago. People should at least be educated consumers and understand how their actions affect other living things. Animals are abused in so many ways: food, clothing, experimentation/research and "entertainment" in the form of rodeos, circuses, zoos (prisons), horse racing, etc. Many people have no idea how horrific factory farms really are. Then there are the people who say, "Oh, I don't want to know what happens!" "I can't watch that!" I am always disappointed to hear people say this. I guess for them, ignorance is bliss. And if you can't even watch the videos, think how the animals feel experiencing it. I can hardly stand to even listen to the audio. It is incredibly sad. No feeling, living thing should have to endure such pain and fear. Ask yourself, Is the taste of meat/dairy and your stylish leather purse worth the torture the animal is subjected to? I wonder how otherwise good people and "animal lovers" can consume animals and use and wear animal products when they know the amount of pain it is causing. How can they be an animal lover and eat them? It is also not necessary to have animal byproducts in our makeup, clothing, etc. And as far as women who wear fur, to me they look ugly, like Cruella DeVille.
The powerful meat and dairy industries really work their advertising campaigns. They've got people convinced that we need meat and dairy. The fact is that meat and diary cause most of the diseases that are prevalent in the U.S. today: obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, colon cancer and high cholesterol just to name a few. The Dairy Council dropped it's popular slogan "Milk: It does a body good" after a lawsuit brought by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine alleged that milk actually contributes to disease and does not indeed do a body good. Well-meaning parents are making sure their kids drink plenty of milk. They are unknowingly contributing to future disease in their children. Various groups, including medical professionals, have tried to get the ridiculous four basic food groups changed, deleting meat and dairy, but money talks, and these industries have plenty of it.
A vegan diet is a much healthier way to get your nutritional requirements, including calcium and protein: green leafy veggies, soy and tofu, legumes, grains, beans, cereal, bread and much, much more. It's easy if you do a little reading. I highly recommend "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegan Living." This made the transition easy for me.
If you're ever in Ventura and want to try some amazing vegan cuisine, try Mary's Secret Garden. I love the secret burger (better than beef) with raw slaw, the secret sundae and her chocolate peanut butter fudge cake, but everything is great. Another restaurant that offers great vegan dishes and desserts is the Sojourner in beautiful Santa Barbara. Order the gingered tofu wonton pillows or the vegan jumbo pasta shells. If you're in Santa Maria, you must eat at Healthy Palate. The owner is passionate about using food as medicine, and she prepares wonderful raw and cooked meals. Try the cucumber boat. And the Oasis in San Luis Obispo has a delicious vegan falafel and salad wrap and other vegan dishes. So take a drive along our scenic coastline and eat at these great, healthy restaurants!

"Our task must be to free ourselves . . . by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty." "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." -Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921.
"Vivisection is a social evil, because if it advances human knowledge, it does so at the expense of human character." -George Bernard Shaw
"You can judge a society by the way it treats its animals"-Mahatma Gandhi
"I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it."-Abraham Lincoln
"May all that have life be delivered from suffering."-Buddha
You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Animals are my friends...and I don't eat my friends."-George Bernard Shaw
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men."-Leonardo Da Vinci
"I want to say sorry to children everywhere for selling out to concerns who make millions by murdering animals."-Geoffrey Giuliano, former Ronald McDonald actor
If anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That's the single most important thing you could do. It's staggering when you think about it. Vegetarianism takes care of so many things in one shot: ecology, famine, cruelty."-Sir Paul McCartney

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet all of the people listed in my "Heros" section. I would like to thank them in person for helping animals and victims of violent crimes.

A must-watch video. "Meet your Meat"
Pamela Anderson vs. KFC
Anything is possible. A video about Dick and Rick Hoyt. What an incredible human being and father. In this day and age when people are so self-centered and self-involved and fathers are absent from their kids' lives, its wonderful to see a person like this. You can't help but be moved by this video. Very inspirational.
"Chew on This" - The video that made me a vegan :)

In Hope: An Animal Shelter Story

Oprah - Puppy Mills

Circus Cruelty

Turkeys being stomped, kicked and punched at factory farm. Start a new compassionate Thanksgiving tradition - leave turkey off your plate
..Watch more videos at

Happy Thanksgiving?

"Downed cow." This is the term used for an all-too-common occurrence, a cow that is too weak to stand due to sickness or exhaustion from transport, so they are electrically prodded and/or dragged, bones snapping, to the final torture of their miserable, painful lives: their slaughter.

"Red bird." Chickens are hung upside down by their feet. As they travel down the assembly line, their throats are supposed to be mechanically cut, their blood drains and they are dipped in scalding water for feather removal. Many birds' throats are not cut properly and they are submerged into the scalding water while still alive. They are not fit for consumption, so they are discarded.

Please consider animals when you purchase food, clothing, furniture, etc. Think of what they went through and then consider purchasing the vegan version of that item instead. Thank you.

My Blog

Article about Howard Lyman "The Mad Cowboy"

Famed vegan cowboy now lives in EllensburgBy DARCY WYTKOYAKIMA HERALD-REPUBLICYAKIMA, Wash. -- Beef: It's not what's for dinner.At least not for Ellensburg resident Howard Lyman, aka "The Mad Cowboy."...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Aug 2009 18:59:00 GMT