Art, music, writing, reading, philosophy, manga, tennis, travellin&joureying, Japan, being away from where I should stay, meet people, going 'round, ireland...
artists, people involved in writing and press, people with ideas, philosophers, musicians, David Foster Wallace, Dave Eggers, Steve Vai and band members, Thomas Pynchon, Devin Tonwsend, Micheal Lee Firkins, Jason Becker, John Barth, Rusty Cooley, Lene Marlin, Roger Federer, David Lynch, Maria Sharapova, Rick Moody, John Lethem, Brett Easton Ellis, all of the Cynic, Karin Crisis, Alexi Laiho, Roope Latvala, Tim Crane, Milan Kundera, Dark Tranquillity, Forgotten Tomb, Aimee Bender, William Gibson, Bruce Sterling, someone who will teach me how to build a computer and how to run linux and many more..
steve vai, joe satriani, elisa, modena city ramblers, sigur ros, malmsteen, rise against, dream theater, death, lost prophets, crisis, dragondorce, sonata artica, opeth, anathema, vitalij kuprij, blind guardian, bloc party, symphony x, the doors, the cramberries, ensiferum, red hot chili peppers, sigur ros, children of bodom, mogway, devin tonwsend (and projects), dark tranquillity, helloween, lene marlin, imogen heap, jason becker, racer x, edguy, avantasia something from blink182 and much more...
Kill Bill Vol II, Pulp Fiction, 2001: A space odissey, Million Dollar Baby, Blue Velvet, Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire, Natural Born Killers, Apocalipse Now, Full Metal Jacket and many more I have to see
Dave Letterman Show, Che tempo che fa, Roger's matches... Neon Genesis Evangelion and anime.
Wallace's works, Barth's works, some Baricco's novel, Dave Eggers' works, Virgina Woolf's works,a great deal of Borges', more of Calvino's, some Kundera's, some Kerouac's, Rick Moody, Jonathan Lethem... Brett Easton Ellis (Less than zero), J. Winterson, Fenomenology, semiotic, aesthetic, structuralism, (some) analitic philosophy. In quest for reading Pynchon, Proust and DeLillo
My "little pagan trinity": David Foster Wallace, Martina Testa, Roger Federer. More to come later on, maybe...