Tarica (T-t!me):
Born in Whiteville, Nc and raised in Chadbourn, Nc. COLUMBUS COUNTY STAND UP!!! I currently live in Greenville, NC and attend East Carolina University where I am majoring in Rehabilitation Studies and minoring in Alcohol and Substance Abuse. I plan to go to graduate school to complete my masters in Occupational Therapy. The nickname T-Time came from a name that was given to me while I played basketball at West Columbus High (WCHS). I first started rapping when I was in high school by having freestyle battles with classmates. Now I have been writing a little in my spare time as a hobby. I have only recorded two songs in the studio, thanks to R. Dot, but have many more that I have written. The first was when I featured in moans n screamz by R. Dot, and the second was recorded more recently featuring myself, Soup, Chantel, EI. So tell us what you think about our music, good or bad.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashl3y ($oup):
Ya girl $oup was born in Gv3gas, Nc. I liv3d sum of 3rrywh3r3. I r3p dat LA(La Grang3), Farmvill3, Kinston, Da D3n(Ayd3n), and da big Shytown(chicago). Right now I'm working on my d3gr33 in Th3rap3utic Massag3 at Pitt Community Coll3g3. I was in th3 military for a short whil3 but it wasn't 4m3(Navy). I b33n writing po3try sinc3 I was in middl3 school and it just 3scalat3d into rap. I hav3 b33n shy about 3xpr3ssing my rapping abiliti3s until I m3t my hom3girl T-Tim3 and w3 combin3d our skillz to mak3 sum hott trackz. "Lies" is th3 first track I hav3 actually r3cord3d in th3 studio. If m3 and T-Tim3 g3t anywh3r3 with our raps I d3dicat3 it all 2 my b3st fr3ind Courtn3y Dillahunt(RIP) sh3 is th3 r3ason I am as strong as I am today. Thankz fa stopping by..and mak3 sur3 u l3av3 us sum input!
-----------------------------We even apeal to little children..check out my Godson dancing to our song
Christopher dancing to our song Lies
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