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Flat Stanley

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W ith their second album, 'Between 2wo Worlds', Flat Stanley have turned in a melodic rock album that likely will see this Cape Town band imprint their intimately rendered sound on a far broader audience than they've already accumulated over the past four years.
Produced, like 2004 debut, 'Of Secrets And Wine', by Theo Crous, and featuring the Flat Stanley core of Andrew Mac on vocals, Clinton on rhythm guitar and backing vocals and Neil on lead guitar, 'Between 2wo Worlds' offers up near-impeccable songwriting and an, at times, astonishing musicality that surpasses the expectations many have for the band.
But it's the sheer musical savviness and strength of their material that prevents Flat Stanley from veering even close to the pit of blandness that a great deal of mainstream rock sinks so easily into.
Elevating all 12 tracks on 'Between 2wo Worlds' are streaks of sonic inspiration that fall, like tenderly-wrapped gifts, between the folds of the songs – the strings that shadow Mac's voice on 'Freedive', the slow, sparse start to 'Stereo', the impossibly gorgeous guitarwork on 'I, Warrior' and 'Outer Space' and the vocal layering on 'Song for the Broken Hearted'.
The latter is one of 'Between 2wo Worlds' centerpieces, a song about living a life that's being chipped away at the edges and watching hope fall from an already shaky grasp. What's most striking about this standout is Mac's vocal treatment – gifted with a quite beautiful voice (that was, in 2005, voted the best in the country by users of the zaZone.com website) Mac never falls into the trap of supercharging his vocals with enough emotion to drown out the song. That he approaches his delivery and phrasing in this way is something Mac attributes to influences as diverse as Adam Duritz (Counting Crows), Bono (U2), Eddie Vedder (Pearl Jam), Dave Owens (Lithium) and Ed Roland (Collective Soul).
"I settle on what just feels comfortable and right for both me and the song," Mac (who, incidentally, stumbled into singing at a late age) explains. But if Mac's voice effortlessly occupies the focal point on the album, it's the songwriting that provides him with just the right vehicle to do this.
Mostly (bar 'Daytrippers') the material on 'Between 2wo Worlds' was penned by Clinton and Neil – and all the songs were written post-'Of Secrets and Wine'. Explains Clinton, "The songs are all new in the sense that they were written since our debut album – which is now two and a half years ago! We don't ever sit down and say, right, let's write something for a next album. I think writing is something we do spontaneously in our own time - for fun! Then when it's time for the next album we just gather the existing pile, and gradually whittle them down."
Like its predecessor, 'Between 2wo Worlds' doesn't stint on radio singles. Right out of the gate is 'Paper Thin', a song that tugs at you, offering morsels of melody and wordplay that are impossible to resist. Also certain to turn up at radio before long is album opener, 'Daytrippers', a Celtic-influenced cut that tumbles forward, the strings and Mac's epic (but never histrionic) vocals stating Flat Stanley's intention right at the start.
That intention is to create, says Mac, "high quality, melody based, mainstream rock". "In this country that's the genre in which Watershed and Just Jinjer and the like have always operated and I think there should always be a market for this type of music so long as it's a quality product. It's also been a while since a band successful in this genre came out of Cape Town, so it's long overdue!"
There's little on 'Between 2wo Worlds' that specifically locates Flat Stanley in the Mother City. But songs like the wistful, elegant "Summer on it's way" point to the mood, the emotional brushstrokes of this city that juts into two oceans and, at times, has to defend itself against accusations of being "not quite South Africa". 'Outer Space' (with its nod to Flat Stanley's folk roots) too seems to ask for love to be anchored in a familiar place, as Cape Town always will be for Mac, Neil and Clinton.
What Flat Stanley do so terrifically is bring together melody and lyrics in a way that may nod at the band's influences (Counting Crows, U2) but are unsullied by attempts to be soundalikes.
There's nothing wildly avant-garde about the material on 'Between 2wo Worlds'. What there is a sonic unity that comes from a trio of musicians who have, after one album and many, many gigs, entered a place of ease with each other. That's obvious in songs like 'Déjà Vu' which appears to be a perfect coming together of Mac's voice, with Neil's guitar and Clinton's supporting guitar and vocal work. There are no great flourishes on the song but it's no less memorable for that.
Crous, who made his name as a hard-rock purveyor, has done a masterful job of allowing the songs to stride into centrestage – and working with the Springbok Nude Girls frontman was an easy decision when the time came to choose a producer for the new album. Says Neil, "I wanted to work with him again this time round because the man understands guitar players, and has an amazing ear for anything!"
For Mac, the push Flat Stanley had given Crous into melodic, mainstream rock on 'Of Secrets and Wine' provided a compelling reason to work together on a follow-up. "We were one of the first mainstream acts to contract Theo to produce our album when we recorded Of Secrets. Up until that time most of Theo's production credits had been for Hard Rock and Alternative work. He did a fantastic job on Of Secrets and since then he's built his own beautiful studio and been one of the most prolific producers in SA. When the time came to record our second album we were presented with a variety of options for producers, but the one that made us feel most comfortable, creatively, was Theo."
Flat Stanley make no bones about their quest for an epic sound and the strings that saturate 'Between 2wo Worlds' give plenty of evidence of that. "It's no secret that one of my personal dreams is to see Flat Stanley joined by a full orchestra live on stage one day," says Mac.
In the end, 'Between 2wo Worlds' is a highly satisfying recording for Mac, Clinton and Neil. Says Clinton, "We didn't set out with a conscious end-goal in mind, other than to create another piece of work that we felt personally happy with – and we've done that."
With the recording over, it's time to push the album out to the fans – already Flat Stanley has a loyal base in the Cape, as the band's frequent sell-out gigs testifys to. But, with 'Between 2wo Worlds' the rest of the country is set to fall headlong in love with a set of songs that any rock band the world over would be proud to call their own.
Between 2wo Worlds tracklisting:
1. Daytrippers
2. Paper Thin
3. Song for the broken hearted
4. As I am
5. Freedive
6. Stereo
7. I, warrior
8. Summer on it's way
9. Stay
10. Deja vu
11. Coming Home
12. Outer Space
Some extracts of reviews of debut album, 'Of Secrets And Wine':
"This acoustic rock outfit have outdone themselves through this mature installment. The lead singer has a voice so soothing it could lull a storm to sleep. A beautiful effort from this band". (Pulse magazine)
"Flat Stanley's album, 'Of secrets and wine", is simply fantastic. Their brand of melodic, acoustic rock supports Andrew Mac's magnificent voice. From the opening chords of 'Gullible' through 'Treading air' and 'Truly loving you', you'll be drawn into the deep and meaningful lyrics for which they have become so well respected by their fans. The album will have you singing along and wanting to press repeat the moment it's finished". (Cape Etc magazine)
"...'n baie goed geplande en tegnies versorgde album wat by enige wereldwyd kan vashou" (Rapport)
"The best music for driving - If you enjoy the mellow sound of David Gray, Jack Johnson and John Mayer, you'll enjoy the heart-felt lyrics of Flat Stanley's debut album". (Men's Health magazine)
"This album won't hit you in the face. There is no sense of urgency to listen to it, and it won't jump out at you. Instead, it will gently coax you into becoming a fan of this mellow Cape Town-based rock group." (Mail & Guardian)
"Cape Town based rock band Flat Stanley have ... developed quite a following on the back of their live performances at clubs and festivals, and this debut album (produced by SA rock heavy-weight Theo Crous) deserves to see them build on that fanbase. (They)...have produced an album of accessible melodic rock that will happily sit alongside albums by the likes of REM and Pearl Jam". (The Big Issue magazine)
"Andrew Mac's vocal range is immense. He can flirt with mid ranges and then suddenly send his lyrics soaring with a power and a depth that is incredible. Amazing melodies, driving chorus lines and moments of near magic as lead and rhythm guitar combine with unadorned cello." (Bush Vibes)
"Elke af en toe 'gebeur' daar plaaslike musiek wat die verbeelding aangryp....Flat Stanley se debuut is melodiegedrewe, akoestiese rock uit die boonste rakke. En dit het die mense aan die praat." (INSIG magazine)
"When a band sounding as good as, if not better than Maroon 5 comes along, and they just happen to also play at your local watering hole, you know you're onto something big. Flat Stanley's debut flirtation with the big bad world of pop and rock is nothing short of exceptional. With 15 acoustically powered, lyrically weighted tales-to-tunes, this Cape town-based next-big-thing are already knocking the lights out. produced by Theo Crous, the current single 'Treading air' is the stuff memories are made of". (Edgars Club Mag)
"....Listening to the cd you get pulled into a peaceful world of harmony and calmness...while marvelling at Andrew Mac's voice. Their sound enters your soul and and causes a state of reminisce and deep thought. We have all experienced buying a new CD with only a few tracks worth listening to. Fear not - you don't need a skip button for this one. Their ability to capture emotion, the melodies, and the honesty and life experience in the lyrics, quickly reel you in." (Medical newsletter)

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Member Since: 3/30/2007
Band Website: www.flatstanley.co.za
Band Members: Andrew Mac: vocals
Clinton: rhythm guitar, backing vocals
Neil: lead guitar, backing vocals


As u may or may not already know, Flat Stanley is the name of the title character in a series of children's books written by Author Jeff Browne. The stories revolve around Stanley Lambchop who through an unfortunate accident has been flattened, and is now only 2 inches thick. He gets involved in a series of weird and wonderful adventures which form the basis for several books.

A few years back, a handful of teachers in Canada formed the "Flat Stanley Project" for the young kids in their schools. Basically what this entailed was getting the children to colour in a picture of Flat Stanley, and then having them send it to a friend or relative somewhere else in the country or world. Stanley would stay with this person and keep a journal of his activities which would then be returned with Stanley to his original sender and he or she would tell the rest of the class about his adventures.

The theory is that it encourages pen-pals, and learning about other cultures etc... Anyway, our original guitarist, Jonathan, shared a house with another American student who was studying in Cape Town at the time of the band first forming. A young relative of his back home sent him his Flat Stanley, and he took him wherever he went. Up Table Mountain, out to Robben Island, everywhere... So the night that we played our only song in the Barleycorn Annual Songwriting Contest we stuck him on the mic stand for good luck.

We simply entered the competition as Clinton, Andy & Jonathan. We weren't a band at that stage and therefore hadn't even considered band names! People began referring to us as "the band with Flat Stanley", and in time that simple got abbreviated to FLAT STANLEY.

So now you know.

Sounds Like:
Record Label: Just Music / Playdough
Type of Label: Indie

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