Reading, music, my son, my nieces, just hanging out with our friends and family
Anyone who is nice even tho now a days its hard to find :)
All kinds from rap to classical to country i love anything you can sing along to or shake your hips or hands to.
Empire Records, Disney movies, all the nightmare on elm streets, shocker well anything horror i love to sit in the dark with someone and get the crap scared out of us!!
Reality TV sucks me in...I hate to admit to that
almost everything i love love love to read my newest love is Jodi Picoult (not sure if i spelt her name right) she has an awesome writing style and her books suck you in i read them in 2 or 3 days and that's between work and a new baby.
My mom and my sister who have overcome some hard things in life and i feel they are both stronger then i will ever be i love you guys and you are a part of me always and forever. Also my nanny and aunt Jayne they passed in September of 06 within a week of each other we love you both and you guys will be always in our hearts and i thank you both for looking over Ethan and Ciara