Mainly social sciences, like law, international politics, sociology. I am also interested in some areas ov science, such as biology, chemistry, genetic engineering, cybernetics. I like playing music too; I used to play the drums, currently I think ov switching to bass guitar. But my greates love is history, especially ancient military history. And I am little bit ov artist... Check it out yourself!
1. My girlfriend who currently resides 2000 km away from me2. God3. Guys from polish metal band Rootwater, just one more time. They really kick ass!!!
I usually listen to polish metal bands like Vesania, Vader, Behemoth and my favourite: ROOTWATER.
"Eagle has landed", "Alexander" (don't laugh), "Kiler", "Pirates of the Carribean" (every part)
"The X-files", "Terry Jones' Barbarians", "Swiat wedlug Kiepskich", "Szymon Majewski Show"
I really enjoy reading ancient books by Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Hesyod, Virgil, Ovidius, Horace, Polibios, Titus Livius, Seneca, Marcus Antoninus, Vegetius, Velleius Paterculus and Ammianus Marcellinus. I also like very much any kind ov myths, especially greek, roman, egyptian, sumerian, indian, german, celtic and scandinavian. Secondly I like medieval chansons de geste, and french and british literature ov enlightment period, such as Wolter and E. Gibbon. I found many ov my lifes' values in XIX century polish realistic books ov e.g. "Pharaoh" and "Lalka" ov B. Prus. XX century provides us with multum ov great books, so I'd like to mention some ov them only: "Inny Swiat" by Herling "Garps' World" by John Irving, and all Bulhakoff books. But my favourite kind ov books are fantasy! I enjoy most Tolkien, le Guin, all Forgotten Realms and Dragon Lance series, and polish authors: Piekara, Sapkowski, Kossakowska, Pilipiuk... On the other hand, I really HAVE to like: McKendrick, Chalmers, Herring, Elliott, Quin, Holland, Webb and many others law textbooks...
My father, Mariusz Grendowicz, Radek Sikorski, Octavian Augustus... and maybe few famous metal drummers like: Inferno666, Arturo, Dave Lombardo, Daray, and some bassists: Heinrich and Orion mainly ;-)
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