CATCH ME EVERY WEDNESDAYS 2 till 4FREEZE FM 92.7FREEZEFM.CO.UKStarted djing around when i was 15 still learning about the undergound scene. I was always had a good education in music from my mum listerning to her rare grooves an soul funk music plus with music where my family is from Mauritius, with Latin music. Then loving acid, house and hardcore & jungle from my older brothers an their mates watching them going raving in the early days (WHEN THE OLDER LOT SAY IT WAS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and when they used to play me the vinyl. Then i started to collect my own collection (getting a buzz when you saw the vinyl you wanted!!!!!!!). But i really dj for the love of the music, even tho I am not bigg known dj i still love raving an go on a regluar basis to see my favourite djs in action!!!!IF YOU WOULD TO CHECK MY VIBE THAT I FOR THE LOVE OF THE MUSIC CHECK MY SHOW EVERY WEDS 2 til 4pmEmail:
[email protected]
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