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About Me

Pixie's films span the genres of live-action narrative, single-frame animation, and music video. Her narratives are inspired by science-fiction themes such as cloning, cyborgs and dystopias. She is deeply influenced by nature and by her dreams. Producing films since 2000, her work has shown at festivals across Canada, including the Gimli Film Festival, the Reel Dames Women's Film Festival in Montreal, the RED Festival in Toronto, and the Dawson City Short Film Festival. Internationally, her work has shown at two multimedia festivals held in Kaliningrad, Russia. Her films are available through the Canadian Filmmakers' Distribution Centre ( She is also a songwriter. Pixie began making her own super-8 music videos around 2003. This led her to create videos for musicians and bands such as Flotilla. She wrote the soundtrack for her 2007 dystopian narrative film, "The Factory of Light", in collaboration with Montreal composer John Wrinch Williams. Though her music is often set to the accompaniment of filmed images, Pixie occasionally performs live acoustic sets.

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