The Church of Recliner Rageism is inspired by Pierre Bernard and his Recliner of Rage on "Late Night with Conan O'Brien". Members believe that not only is it healthy to express your anger, but you should be comfortable while you do it. Also, there's no reason to raise your voice, hurting your throat. If you just express your anger calmly, it's much healthier. But make sure you let it be known that you are serious and something must be done to correct the situation that angers you. Feel free to point a lot, it's not rude.After you have expressed your anger, the situation may not be solved, but you will feel a lot better inside. Who needs therapy when you have a Recliner?
June 14 is the official holiday, as it is Pierre Bernard's birthday. This is the day to feel free to sit in your recliner and let your grievances be known to people other than just your friends. Favorite show being canceled? Write the network! Favorite ice cream being discontinued? Write a letter! Petitions are always good as well.Stay strong, amigos!
The First 24 Members (in the real order they joined):
1. Valorie, your humble cult leader.
2. Jeremy
3. Pete
4. Pierre Bernard
5. Margarita
6. Conan Lover
7. Christina
8. Rosie hearts Conan
9. I Wish I Was Cool
10. Sexiest Stud on MySpace is #1.
11. Naomie
12. looking 4 boys w/ wistful eyes
13. 3am Conan and SNL Fans (right on)
14. conansmypimp
15. kate.
16. a person
17. BTP
18. Conans Gal
19. Peaceful Warrior
20. Oldest and Most Pathetic Late Night Fan
21. Andy Blitz
22. Jenny
23. Christina
24. Abby Road
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