the frank agency profile picture

the frank agency

About Me

Established in an effort to open the lines of communication, the frank agency is an innovative arts management organization dedicated to bridging the spaces between artists, presenters, and audience members. By assisting in areas including concert production, grant writing, booking, promotions/publicity, strategic planning, management and the like, it is our hope that a higher volume of art can be created and received.Can we be frank?Since opening our doors in 2004, we’ve noticed that some people just want to forget that they are having an active life experience...and the powers that be certainly seem to be ok with that, as long as those good people continue to be good consumers that try to fill their wounds with the good products that the powers that be have for sale....If you’re looking for the kind of entertainment that fills you with false promises of feeling better about your insecurities with the simple use of a product, you probably won't like anything you’ll find here. At the frank agency, we aren't all that interested in mere entertainment; we are interested in propagating living art. Frank helps artists plant the seeds of change and awareness - seeds echoing the importance of personal thought, experience, and mission. Frank aims to provide experiences that nurture the growth of individual perspective.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/30/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Singular:
Samantha Boshnack
Beth Fleenor
Wayne Horvitz
Paris Hurley
Bling (featuring Denney Goodhew)
Quodia (featuring Trey Gunn)Special Projects: Advocates for Abundance through Action in the Arts
Monktail Creative Music Concern
Sounds Outside

Influences: If it has ever existed, or will exist - it's in here somewhere....
Sounds Like: What you've been waiting for
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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