I am looking forward to being a mommy really soon! I like to write poetry, paint, draw, read, play cribbage and gin with my hubby, go dancing, go to concerts, go horseback riding, play poker, make scrapbooks, play with my animals, and make sweet lovin to my hubby :) I would like to pick up some new hobbies and get more into cooking, and crafts :)
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I can't wait to meet my lil Scarlett Sophia :) I'd like to meet Kevin Costner, because I love him :) Hugh Laurie, Orlando Bloom, Jon Heder(AKA Napolean Dynomite), Drew Barrymore, Peter Sarsgaard, Ryan Gosling, Ani DiFranco, Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham, Natalie Portman, Rachel McAdams, Reese Witherspoon, Britney Murphy, Jack Johnson, Fiona Apple, Melissa Ethridge, The Cast of The L Word and Lost, Scarlett Johansson, Ethan Embry, Jamie Kennedy, Christian Bale, Winonna Ryder, Michael Keaton, Julia Roberts and Val Kilmer to name a few!
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I love all kinds of music! Here's a LONG list of just SOME of my favorites... Kris Angelis :) Jack Johnson, Brandi Carlile, Coldplay, The Shins, Panic! At the Disco, Jamie Cullum, Jeff Buckley, The Doors, Garth Brooks, Teddy Geiger, Fiona Apple, Ani DiFranco, Bad Religion, OkGo, Sleater Kinney, Keane, Old 97's, Oasis, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, The Cranberries, A Perfect Circle, Third Eye Blind, The RENT Soundtrack (Original Broadway Recording), Bic Runga, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, Pink Floyd, The Killers, David Bowie, All American Reject, Fallout Boys, NOFX, Blue October, Yellowcard, Rufus Wainwright, Jason Mraz, Jem, Tori Amos, Melissa Etheridge, Natalie Merchant, The Pretenders, No Doubt (the first couple of albums), Violet Femmes, Dashboard Confessionals, Hootie and the Blowfish, The Gorillaz, Eve 6, Green Day, Maroon Five, Counting Crows, The Pixies, Ben Harper, Sublime, Incubus, The Offspring (I hung out with Dexter and Noodles at an Inland Invasion concert once!), Gin Blossom, Collective Soul, and oh soooo many others!!
Movies! Knocked Up, haha! Marie Antoinette, Thank you for Smoking, RENT, Garden State, The Notebook, Dirty Dancing 1&2, Empire Records, Quest for Camelot, The Bear, Reality Bites, Romeo and Juliet, Almost Famous, Adventures of Sebastian Cole, Music from Another Room, Sliding Doors, Where the Heart is, Under the Tuscan Sun, both of the Pirates of the Carribean, Mona Lisa Smile, Stepford Wives, Dragonfly, Pay it Forward, John Q, Uptown Girls, A Star is Born (the Barbara Striesand and Kris Kristofferson version), The Salton Sea, Breakfast at Tiffanys, The Untouchables, Bull Durham, all Jay and Silent Bob flicks, all Quentin Tarantino flicks, Vanilla Skies, Thirteen, Inventing the Abbotts, Stealing Beauty, The Boondock Saints...
There are some great shows on TV nowadays! I love House and find Hugh Laurie oddly and intensely attractive. The Gilmore Girls is IT for me!! I love those girls, and I admit that I cried when it ended, I felt like I lost some of my best friends, lol. I am an avid Lost watcher. I like CSI, Pysch, the 4400, Eureka, Eli Stone, New Amsterdam, and Monk. My geekier side likes Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. Then there are the gameshows... Deal or No Deal, Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader, and Don't Forget the Lyrics. Let's just say that I had a lot of free time while I was deployed to Iraq, and TV shows on DVD saved my life, lol. Now I'm hooked!
Some of my favorite books are The Effects of Light, The Glass Castle, The Bell Jar, Sleeping Over, Previously Engaged, Shoot the Moon, Spilling Clarence, Little Children, The Notebook, A Brave New World, A Knight Without Armor, Five People You Meet in Heaven, The Effects of Living Backwards, and What to Keep. I just finished reading Here on Earth, and I am now reading The Little Friend. I also love anything by Edna St. Vincent Millay.
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Jesus is my hero... He's pretty awesome :) And my sexy husband for putting up with me :) And last but certainly not least, my daddy... he has been an inspiration to me, and even though he's gone, I still feel him here.
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