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About Me

Grew up here in good ol' Vegas and somehow im still here...I guess its the place to be... I believe that only you control your destiny and what becomes of your life...Everything happens for a reason and its up to you to figure out why... I try not to look back in the past cuz' lifes 2 short for all that drama....I love being with my family & friends but most of all my 2 boys that drive me a lil crazy sometimes!!! Enjoy life as much as possible cuz' u never know what 2morrow will bring....Ive always been told im easy to get along with & very laid back and a lil' crazy from time to time but i dont take nobodys shit Im proud of who i am and my background!.... so i guess u can say im just an overall good friend who's with u through the bad times & their to pick u up when u fall....and ready for the good times to live it up sit back and laugh at all the dumb shit life throws at u! Life is hard enough so take it easy and just say FUCK IT!......................................................... ..DaRkStAr!!


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