i'd like dance n singing.....
everyone who wants to be my fwens.... everyone who like to enjoy club with me n my fwensss,,,,,he he he.....
i really like rNb music...also jazz...n sometime layan juge rock...
Havana Nights.Disturbing Behavior.Edward Scissorhands.Empire Records.Exorcist.Femme Fatale.Finding Nemo.Friday After Next.Frida.Gangs of New York.Girl
tHat 70's show[ashton]...punk'd[ashton]...the O.C...frieNdS...maLcolm in d middle... c.s.i...wAde rObs0n prOject...oNe tRee hiLL......asHlee siMpsOn shOw...cSi..
bOokS..bOoks...bOoks...can.u.keep.a.secret...the shopaholic series...travelling pants series....['nethin] by jacqueline wilson...fame game...to kill a mockingbird...n sum oTherr....
men who play the guitar ...........