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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

2008 is my year. I am so determined to become a millionaire this year that there is nothing that can stop my including me. Here's what you need to know about me. I am playing in this SUPER-BOWL called LIFE and I'm looking for go getters to join my team. This year I am surrounding myself with people that are better then me. Those that I can learn from and grow with. I refuse to be the smartest person in my circle. I am going after the youth and won't stop until the next generation has been saved.I am currently involved in two wonderful opportunities that have changed my life. One is with YTB Travel Network. With YTB I own my own Travelocity, Expedia, Tickets Now, HoneyMoon Registry, Passports, everything you need that pertains to travel and entertainment. All I have to do is tell people I'm in business and they have allowed me to stay home with my some for going on two years now. So please support me and book all of your travel @ TRAVELPAYPAL.COM.I promote my YTB business through with a company called TalkFusion. I also send personalized video emails to my business partners, customers, family and friends. It's a wonderful way to do business and keep in touch.2008 is the year to take control of your life. The only difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is EXTRA. I urge you to dream again. On a day to day basis we do so much for others. This year look for something you can do for yourself and see how others benefit from it as well.If you are involved in charitable events please visit this site ITRAVELFORCHARITY.comIf you are involved in your childs school PTO please visit this site****Note I am a certified Disney Specialist and I specialize in group cruises, family reunions, honeymoons and romantic getaways.

My Interests

My greatest interest is to see people healed, whole and financially free.

I'd like to meet:

People that look back only to keep going forward.


I like all genre's of music by all different kinds of artist. I prefer instrumentals and jazz because I get to create my own music with whatever is going on in my mind at the time.


My favorite movie is Forest Gump... (If we could all have the character,humility and integrity that he has this world would be a better place)What's love got to do with it, Love and Basketball, Annie, The Lion King, The Women of Brewster Place, Titanic, Pretty Women, Dream Girls


24, Prison Break, Oprah, America's Next Top Model, American Idol, So you think you can dance, Dancing with the Stars, Family Feud, Wheel of Fortune


The Laws of Thinking (Prophet Bernard Jordan), Think and Grow Rich, Rich Dad, Poor Dad, ,The Courage to be Rich (Suze Orman), Women and Money (Suze Orman)


Anyone who takes a stand for righteousness.