*David [S4C] [WATN] profile picture

*David [S4C] [WATN]

About Me

My name is David or DM for them who know me for a long time and I live in the french part of Switzerland. I'm often in the German part 'cause my town is next to the "Röstigraben" border and my mom's familly lives in the swiss-german part. For them who don't know me, I seem to be cold and unhappy 'cause the word "smile" isn't in my vocabulary. But if you see me don't hesitate and come talk to me, I'll not rape you. If your interests are music, tattoos or piercings you'll spend a nice time with me.I share my life with my beautiful and talentuous girlfriend Isaline aka Sugar-B0x since Mars 10 2005. So if you're here to hook up with me you're waisting your time.I consider music as very important for myself. I was brought up while listenig to The Stones and other bands that are nowadays condsidered by many as prehistoric. I play the guitare for 4 years and I started an solo acoustic band called "My First Diary". I'm in the middle of writing my songs and I have to say that I feel good about it.As you can see I'm a bit obcessed with CANCER. It's part of a personal story I won't share with you 'cause too personal. If more people are aware about the thread cancer is and the ways they have to detect it before it's too late, it would have less people dying from it every year. So if you have time go on the "Skate4Cancer" or "Rob Dyer" pages, read and let a comment because THE CURE IS KNOWLEDGE.________________MY PUREVOLUME________________

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

-Dallas Green

My Blog

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