pretending, jumping off really big sand hills into more sand, saddness, waxing, thinking i'm the best, thinking i'm the worst, water, snow, walking, cold showers,death, skateboarding, writing, music, bike riding, drowning my sorrow, acting stoopid, squirt guns, frisbee, long deep conversations that don't really go anywhere besides bringing you closer to the person who it's with, talking about old times, making up absurd senerios in my head that could never be real but then again i constantly lie to myself so what the hell do i know, obsessing over girls and everything else, talking about all the things i am eventually going to do, tatoos even though i have none, beer can furniture, duct tape sport coats, self destruction(mentally and physically), painting even though i have no talent for it, dr. bronners peppermint soap(everyone should use it), making out (soft or hard, mostly soft)
sunsets are beautiful
good lazy time
there's some good stuff
i really love used book stores
my friends, my family