Sentiment started out as two-piece electronica/pop band by Anders Hunstad and Sverre Olav Rødseth in 1997. The two of them had been playing together for several years in a another great progressive and melodic rockband called Ravana, wich sadly enough split up the same year.The first demo recordings were done by the end of 1997, and Anders played all the instruments himself on the 4 songs that they recorded. Well, except for some fine guitarwork by Sveinung Hansli(Prosessor Balthazar).Tracklist: - Mistress
- Boy
- On the meter of every man
- Burning Sensation
The demoes were highly appreciated amongst friends and those who heard it, so the two of them decided to invite new members to the band. This to serve the need of having a proper liveact line-up, and to have a more "band" feel to it.To play the drums, they chose Hans Petter Heggeli, who also were their technician during their first demo recordings. Espen Helvig, long time friend and bassplayer, took care of the deeper notes, and Remi Christiansen joined in as guitarist.This line-up recorded a demo of 4 songs. Tracklist: The dancer - She keeps me up at night - Undo - Yesterday tripper. The demo was highly appreciated and acclaimed, again by friends. The band only did a couple of shows during 98`and 99`before they split up as friends.The main idea behind Sentiment was to create dreamy, epic and psychedelic sounds, with focus on melodies and slow tempoes, inspired by early 90`s british indiebands such as Slowdive. Ahead of their time? Decide for yourself:) The bandmembers have later on appeared, or still appearing alone or together, in one or more of these acts: Infidels Forever, Bermuda Triangle, Prossesor Balthazar, Dødsverk, Frost, Royal, Landlords, Funguson, Arms on Fire, Karen Jo Fields, One People, Briskeby, Morten Abel and Tvang.I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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