WOH We Out Here presents: Hotpa, the future of hip hop. He was born and raised in Mountain View Ca. Hotpa is half Japanese and half Hungarian, but full American. His birth name is Jesson. Hotpa has exploded on the music scene in Japan. He has also started a big buzz within the states. He got his start in a group called 4 Korners. Hotpa is currently in a group called Mental Brotherhood. The group has a huge underground following through out the world. Be on the look out for whats to come! Live2Learn2Love2Die the turftape and album coming soon. Check back daily for more info! 1 luv! We Out Here!
HOODBOI. 50 Cal featuring Karizmakaze, Turf Talk, & Outrageous We Out Here Ent. from Prime Zero on Vimeo .
HOW THEY DO. Outrageous Feat. Goldie (Federation), 206-A$$a$$in & Enormus tha ox. Produced by Chekin' Trapps We Out Here Ent. from Tim Anderson on Vimeo .
1 Minute Reel from Prime Zero on Vimeo .
3 Minute Reel from Prime Zero on Vimeo .