Jon Don The Phenomâ„¢[The Dark] profile picture

Jon Don The Phenomâ„¢[The Dark]

About Me

Im from da northwest side of San Antonio Texas, I live, breath, and dream bout Hip Hop. I recently got down wit Blacknote Records, so holla at me if u want a cd or t-shirt or sumthin. We tryna spread good music around and put San Antonio on da map. Good speakin wit you....[The Phenomâ„¢]....

My Interests


Member Since: 29/03/2007
Band Members:
Influences: Myself.....I only say that because I dont like being compared 2 these so called "rappers".Thats why I call myself the Phenom.But if I had to say 1 would have to be Chamillionaire,along with all the Texas artists holdin it down for the cause...ha ha.

Myspace Layouts / Black and Gray / Hot Comments / Image Hosting

Sounds Like: If you want to get a hold of me for business purposes hit me up on my e-mail [email protected].
Record Label: Blacknote Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Menternal Bleeding........

Hit after hit I continue to prevail, but my bodys wearing down, my thoughts unvailed. Should I go left, or should I go right? No end in sight, give up? Just might. My minds goin one way, and my hearts...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 14:22:00 GMT