im so0o wanting to go skydiving, bungee jumping, and traveling. Anything to give me an adreline rush. I love kickboxing, and going to the gym to work out.
I'd love to meet long lost relatives. But most importantly i'd LOVE to meet President Bush so i can hit him in his face. =)
im totally in love with m.shadows from avenged sevenfold. i am in LOVE with "theory of a deadman" "buckcherry" "hinder" bush" "incubus" "staind" "nickleback" i like everything except for country. Sorry, i don't listen to hill-billy music, and ofcourse hiphop/rap music
40 yr old virgin and borat was a definat classic. im into scarey movies, and comedys.
mTvZ realworld. Reality TV. weather channel. local news.
i don't read books unless it involves beauty/fashion. Cooking booksaren't bad either
my mother, and my grandmother. I love them with all my heart.