Hundreds of Millions of yottaannums ago, back when the structure of COSMOS IV was still stable and many of Greater Beings there had reached equilibrium of the 4 Perfect Energies, the Order of O.W.L saw it necessary to begin work on COSMOS V. Work was slow as it always is when constructing a fabric of reality. During the imprinting of the COSMOS V 'kän(t)-sh&s grids, something went terribly wrong. Unknown to rest of COSMOS V's Greater Beings, Syndonu, who would later come to be known as Iniquitous the Wicked, was secretly raising the levels of Entropy, placing the remaining 3 Perfect Energies out of balance. While the Order of O.W.L witnessed this from across the Great Void, they continued with their stance of non-interference. By the time the remaining Greater Beings realised what had happened, it was too late. Cosmos V and all of its 'kän(t)-sh&s grids were corrupted with chaos. Once the Greater Beings had figured out what had happened, an epic battle ensued between them and Iniquitious. Using the Perfect Energy of Entropy, Iniquitious was easily able to defeat most of the Greater Beings. However it was the same Perfect Energy that comsumed Iniquitious, casting him into the Unknown Void where all things with no reason go to exist. The remaining Greater Beings were left to rebalance the 4 perfect energies and could not tend to the corrupted COSMOS V grids. The Greater Beings prayed to the Order of O.W.L. and after much deliberation, they agreed to step in and aid in the repair of COSMOS V. Enter the INCORRUPTIBLES.
THE INCORRUPTIBLES are beings created in the Great Void between subsets ? and ??. Essentailly created from the 4 Perfect Energies, these beings are unable to be tainted or destroyed in any way. Because of their origins, THE INCORRUPTIBLES were created with perfect forms, but in order to maintain balance, the Order of O.W.L. stripped the ability to harness powers of Greater Beings from them. THE INCORRUPTIBLES were given the task of restoring 'kän(t)-sh&s grids of COSMOS V throughout all subsets. In order to prepare for the task at hand, THE INCORRUPTIBLES began to decipher the coding of the previous COSMOS' by breaking them down into the most basic elements. They also realised that by dropping all the way to the lowest subsets and recoding the lifeforms that inhabited them, they would be able to repair the grids in the most efficeint way possible by using the same lifeforms to repair the grids.They began by selecting and mastering the elements of COMOS that they would be using, reshaping and forming them into a pattern that could easily be used for recoding. This pattern became known as MUSIK. Finally ready to begin their mission, THE INCORRUPTIBLES started their journey through all the subsets that make up COSMOS V. As they past through each subset, THE INCORRUPTIBLES breifly took on every possible existance within the subset, implanting the seeds of MUSIK onto the 'kän(t)-sh&s grids within each one. Now as the make their great ascension, they have found that what they once planted has matured into many different fruits. It is these very fruits that nourish them.
When arriving at higher subsets, it is common for THE INCORRUPTIBLESs to lie dormant in host bodies for hundreds of years. In this way, they are able to grow with their surroundings and have greater effect during the recoding process. When the time has come to begin work, THE INCORRUPTIBLES move into the Primal Zygote of chosen host and follow the normal birthing process of the beings belonging to the current subset. In this way, they become as the beings are and do not require a host. During this time however, THE INCORRUPTIBLES lock out all memory of their origin and tasks to allow full Assimalation. The Assimalation usually last about 2 decades in Earth time. This allows THE INCORRUPTIBLES to fully integrate with the 'kän(t)-sh&s of the subset, while simultaneously learning to use their new bodies. The Assimilation stage is followed by the Awakening Stage. During this stage THE INCORRUPTIBLES are Awakened back to their previous state. Once they have successfully Awakened, THE INCORRUPTIBLES will not repeat either process on sucessive births and they will only be limited by their bodies at that time. During Migration, THE INCORRUPTIBLES seek each other out to begin the recoding process. It should be noted however that THE INCORRUPTIBLES are usually within very close proximity of one another.
Recoding begins by the setting up a central medium to transfer the correct COSMOS blueprints. On Earth this has become known as bowl wEVIL Records. It is through here that the proper codes can begin to be transmitted, though this is not it's only purpose. The medium also serves as an academy for training possible Class -- INCORRUPTIBLES. These initiates are trained on the use of the COSMOS elements and serve as ambassadors in higer subsets after their time is concluded in this subset. It should be noted however, that Class -- INCORRUPTIBLES do not retain their memories, yet their new found abilities and understandings are kept. Some of this planets most notable Class -- INCORRUPTIBLES include the great composers of the 17th and 18th centuries who were from much lower subsets than this one. This aspect of recoding has been very successful and has allowed the repair of COSMOS V to happen at a much quicker rate than previously expected.