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The world cracks open for those willing to take a risk - Frances Mayes

About Me

Ok, where does one begin? I'm Greek-Canadian, even though there are times when I feel neither Canadian nor Greek; simply a human being in this crazy/wonderful/frustrating universe, looking to figure out what it's all about. I've got news for you all: it's all about NOW!!
I work as a journalist/ assistant editor for a newspaper in Montreal, Canada. I have also recently started working as a researcher and reporter on CH, a local Montreal TV channel. It's a job I didn't go after; it fell into my lap; which, in turn, pushed me to accept it, because.. let's face it.. everything happens for a reason, right? I LOVE to write. I write a weekly column and it's the best part of my job, hands down. I write because I have to, NEED to and would probably do it for free.. (just don't tell my publisher). I love to travel, experience new places, meet new people, laugh and act silly.
"You might have heard that I run with a dangerous crowd. We ain't too pretty. We ain't too proud. We might be laughing a bit too loud. But that never hurt no one" :)
I swear like a sailor and have the "don't f%..k with me" attitude of someone who was a jock all her life, but I know how to detect genuiness and kindness in people and --most importantly-- know how to appreciate it. When you become my friend, you have me for life. I love to party and act crazy, but a quiet evening with good friends, good wine and good conversation is my version of heaven on earth.
Although involved in sports my entire life, what I truly value in people is their intellect. I admire intelligence, wit, self-depracating humour and the ability to analyze a situation. I live for debates; I think it's the Greek in me. Everyone's a goddamn philosopher back home. Creative people, writers, musicians, artists of all sorts have my undeniable support and my respect because it takes an unbelievable amount of courage not to listen to conventional wisdom and follow your own desires and dreams. But it is, after all, the soul's duty to follow what makes it happy. Stifling that desire is to blame, in my opinion, for the majority of discontent in todays' world.
I love to travel and agree with travel writer Ralph Potts that "you can read all you want about a place, but there's no substitute for smelling it". I have yet to encounter a city or country that didn't have something to offer me; something that made me smile and something that ultimately made me sad to leave it behind. I sometimes worry that I won't have enough time in this lifetime to see and experience everything I want to... A famous Buddhist saying states that "We see as we are" and I believe that 100%. If you are open to the world, the world will be open to you. It's all in the way you perceive your reality and your perception has the ability to shape your reality.
I believe that life is too short to spend on being petty or hesitant. I believe that the more you give, the more you receive. I believe that we usually regret the things that we don't do; not the things that we do (even though it took a few regrets of my own to figure that one out... )
I believe in karma; in "what goes around always coming around", in some shape or form". I believe that what ultimately defines you as a person is not how you act in life, but how you REACT to what life will bring your way. I believe that Buddhism is the closest thing I have ever come to calling a religion/philosophy my own, because all existing forms of religion have to be the biggest scam perpetuated on mankind.
I believe that money does not make the world go round and that a U-haul does not follow you to your grave and that people who win the rat race are still rats, so enjoy this life while you can and love while you must and dance while no one is watching.. but if someone is watching and you can't dance... think twice. ;)
"The only constant is change" is one of my personal mottos in life. I believe in it so much that it is tattooed on my back in ancient Greek. I do believe that the only thing that is constant in life is that nothing is constant. The tattoo is there to remind me of that... so I can appreciate life when it's amazing (which it so often is..) because things are bound to change, and so I can take heart in the fact that things will change, when things are shit (which they sometimes are..)
"Keep your wits about you. It is not necessary to barter your talent, your self-esteem and your youth for the chance of pleasing. It is more frightening, but it is not less productive to go your own way. You are not one of the myriad of interchangeable pieces, but a unique human being, and if youve got something to say, say it, and think well of yourself while you are learning to say it better" -- David Mamet
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My Interests

Writing, basketball, paddling, weight-training, movies, reading ( I must read at least a book a week), the theatre, eating out, debating everything with friends (enemies too, if they care to take me on), travelling the world (I've lived in Greece for years, travelled to Germany, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Cuba, and recently just spent a month backpacking in Vietnam and Cambodia; I'm itching to hit Argentina next, but maybe Malaysia will win out first..), catching live shows as often as possible, seeing movies.. Although I am a huge fan of artsy-fartsy movies, I also adore silly comedies and consider Adam Sandler, Dave Chappelle, Vince Vaughn, Ben Stiller and Will Farrell hilarious. I love to laugh so hard that I end up crying and my sides hurt. Fortunately, it happens often. :)
I am a member of the Montreal Women's Dragonboat Team, an elite highly competitive paddling team that has competed nationally and internationally over the years. We were the gold, silver and bronze medalists at the 2002 World Club Crew Championships, in Italy and will be racing at the National Championships this August for the right to represent Canada at the Worlds in Australia in 2007. We're also competing at the Worlds taking place in Toronto, in less than two months. As a result of my training, I don't have much of a life at the moment, but I LOVE every minute of it.

I'd like to meet:

The Pope... so I can ask what it feels like to be infallible.. HAHHAHAA!! Sorry.. I couldn't resist...
Steve Nash.. an unbelievable pointguard and an even greater sports role model. I think he's Canada's way of apologizing for unleashing Celine Dion on Americans...
George Michael... so I can tell him how much I loved his music as a teenager and because I've been wondering lately.. what the hell happened to Andrew?
George Bush, so I can bitchslap him with my pimp hand!


I am currently listening to a lot of Amos Lee, Keane, The Fray, Snow Patrol, Jack Johnson, Jeff Buckley, Stabilo, Ben Folds, Gavin DeGraw, Corneille (a French R & B singer)...
I love Prince with a passion!! If there is a better song out there than "When Doves Cry" I don't know of it.. I know that song like the back of my hand; down to Prince's every scream... I will be forever Joe's friend for playing that song for me every single time I show up for one of his shows.. that's friendship...
Along those lines, it's kind of obvious that I love "old school" R & B and find that no other kind of music is as quick to put a smile on my face and pep in my step. I honestly find good quality R & B to be the sexiest music out there. I'm not kidding. It literally turns me on!! ;)I love Bob Marley and think his music and message is timeless. Just insert Cd and instant party in my car...
I am not afraid to admit that I love the Commodores and Lionel Richie. Bring on the insults and the ridicule.. I simply don't care..
I was a huge Wham! fan growing up.. To this day, I still know every single lyric, to every single song. In my humble opinion, Wham! songs make the best soundtrack for long car rides. And I know long car rides! Does 32 hours straight, from Montreal to Key West, mean something to you? It was traumatic for me to admit that George Michael was gay.. when I look back at old Wham footage, I am simply amazed that I didn't see it. "Wake me up before you go-go"? Hello? Was I temporarily blind? I love old school rock like the Steve Miller Band, the Eagles, James Taylor, Billy Joel, Alabama, Scorpions, Jeff Buckley, Van Halen and Van Morrison and love to listen to Cole Porter classics and Nina Simone.. (the woman's voice is haunting). I also love country.. I must be the only Montrealer who does..
I also love Sublime, Jamie Cullum, Craig David, Scissor Sisters, K-Os.. and lately my musical inclinations have been all over the place.. Fall Out Boy, Weezer, Panic! At the Disco, Death Cab for Cutie, City & Colour, Peter Katz, Paolo Nutini, Snow Patrol, Anberlin, Foo Fighters, Kasabian, and Keane are more recent favourites.
I am an unabashed and unapologetic Benderz fan.. Ever since I fell in love with this Jersey cover band in Key West, I have been following them and enjoying their shows across the eastern states, as often as I can. My personal mission in life has become to bring the Benderz to play Montreal or to annoy everyone trying.. So far, the latter has only come true.. :(


Current films that have moved me are "Brokeback Mountain" (I cried like a little bitch for 20 minutes after watching that movie.. I loved it so much that I wrote a blog about it..)
"Little Miss Sunshine" is all about daring to be yourself and not being ashamed of what that is. It's also about learning to love each other the way we are."Million Dollar Baby" -- simply amazing..
"Crash" -- a study in race relations in North America today and a testament to the fact that we like to paint ourselves as black and white, when really.. we are a million shades of grey.
"Closer" was a daring, cynical and unflinching look at what love can do to you and what people can do to each other.
"Sideways' was a great little film too.. sometimes life sours like vinegar and sometimes it can be sweet like a fine Pinot Noir..
"Napoleon Dynamite" is one of the funniest movies of all time.. everytime I watch it, a new line sticks in my head.. I own a shirt that says "Everyone knows I'm training to be a cagefighter". Most people don't get the joke, but I laugh everytime I put it on and that's all that matters.. "Wedding Crashers" is another favourite of mine, as is "Zoolander". And wait for it.. "Naaaaaaachoooooooo." If you can see a theme forming, then yes.. you're right.
"City of God" a Brazilian movie is simply phenomenal... watch it! "Giegen de Wand" or Head-On, a German-Turkish co-production about this suicidal guy and the woman who's trying to save herself through him and ends up saving him, is one of the most amazing foreign films I've ever seen..
"The Professional" by Luc Besson is one of the best movies ever made and watch as 10-year-old Natalie Portman steals every scene..
"The Way we Were" never fails to make me cry.. I must have seen it over a hundred times since the age of ten and yet I never turn the channel to something else, if I come across it on late night TV. So, yes.. I'm a sap.
What else? I love old style 50's and 60's black and white movie classics in general and am a complete fool for horror movies. Have probably seen every Vincent Price gory/badly made 70's thriller out there.. and think that The Exorcist was responsible for some serious nightmares in my youth and my aversion for green pea soup..
I enjoy a goof chick flick, but usually prefer what most of my friends refer to as "artsy-fartsy" movies.. movies that make you think; the kind you discuss ad nauseum afterwards, over coffee late at night.


I am a huge animation freak.. "Family Guy" is one of my favourites, with "American Dad", "South Park" and "The Simpsons" coming in a close second.
I love well written comedies like Seinfeld and Friends.
I am a huge "Gilmore Girls" fan!! Love the writing on that show!!
Sundays is for "Cold Case", "Desperate Housewives" and "Grey's Anatomy" which has slowly become an addiction for me. I LOVE that show!!!
I am a "Daily Show" fanatic and think that Jon Stewart is the sexiest man on TV. His intelligence, his wit and his self-depracating humour are a serious turn-on for me.
I enjoy watching reality TV like American Idol and the Amazing Race cuz it's always fun to see how people react under pressure.. most of the time, it's not pretty.. But I hate watching reality stuff like the Paris Hilton crap.. how vapid and boring do you have to be and why would I want to watch you parade through life with a full bank account and half a brain? You are STUPID!! All the money in the world can't save you!! (It's ok.. I'm not hurting her feelings.. she can't read..


I read a book a week. This is going to take a while.."Learning to Fall" -- The Blessings of an Imperfect Life by Philip Simmons is absolutely inspirational.
"Notes to Myself" by Hugh Prather is a must! Read it!
"Medea" by classic greek tragedian Euripides.. yes, I know it sounds pretentious, but I took three years of ancient Greek literature and love his work.
Then there are the classics.. "Darkness at Noon" -- Arthur Koestler
""Wuthering Heights" -- Emily Bronte
"The Last Temptation of Christ" and "Zorba the Greek" -- Nikos Kazantzakis
"One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Love in the Time of Cholera"-- Gabriel Garcia Marquez
"Stranger Music" -- Leonard Cohen.. one of the best poets in the world.
"On Walden Pond" - Henry David Thoreau. Timeless!!
"The 48 Laws of Power" by Robert Greene.
"A walk in the Woods" -- Bill Bryson.. Laugh out funny!
The entire Harry Potter series!! Move aside all you muggles!!"The Liar" -- Stephen Fry
Anything by Stephen King and Anne Rice.. I love to be spooked..
"Awakening the Buddha Within" -- Lama Surya Das. A great book on Buddhism
"She's come undone" -- Wally Lamb
"Makes me wanna holler"-- Nathan McCall
Any good travel book will grab my attention..
And the most recent book to blow me away.. "One for my baby" -- Tony Parsons.. how does someone feel when they believe they have lost their only true chance at love?? Simply heartbreaking in its truth...


Hmm.. this is a tough one.. First person who comes to mind is Lanie Melamed, one of my university professors, who has since passed on. She had a wonderful personality and a love for life that was unmatched. She encouraged my writing and told me I had a wonderful way of seeing the world, which meant so much to me at the time and still does. She used to greet you, not by asking you how you were, but by asking you if you had smiled that day. A day without smiling was a day wasted in her book and I carry that piece of advice with me. Rest in peace, Lanie...
Anyone who dares to live their life in the best way possible, to the best of their abilities, from a place of love and openness, who follows their dreams without trampling on the dreams of others, who operates from a place of kindness and generosity is a role model in my book. There are many people all around us who can inspire and they are rarely in the public eye. Oprah might be an exception.. she rocks.

My Blog


I spent the past month backpacking through Vietnam and Cambodia and flew back this Sunday, since I was due back at work on Monday. With back-to-back flights from Cambodia to Vietnam and then a 15-hr f...
Posted by Toula on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 12:26:00 PST

One's destination is never a place...

I believe that there is nothing so effective to expanding one's mind than travel. The minute you step outside of your comfort zone, you are forced to see the world with different eyes. "One's destinat...
Posted by Toula on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 04:32:00 PST

"Everybody knows"...

So, it's 6:15 a.m. and jet lag has pretty much assured that I won't be sleeping well this week. I've already been up for hours, killing time on My Space, unable to really do anything productive or eve...
Posted by Toula on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 03:47:00 PST

No abilities? No problem!

So, it's been a while. And technically I don't really have the time to be writing blogs, since I should be frantically preparing for a month-long trip to Asia and packing the contents of my entir...
Posted by Toula on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 06:51:00 PST

Organized religion = "I'm right and you're soooo wrong"

I originally wrote this as a short bulletin and quickly received an array of responses from a few of you. Some agreeing with me and some questioning my stand on religion. Just to reiterate, ...
Posted by Toula on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 06:39:00 PST

Here's a little dose of "nothing" for you..

It feels like forever since I last wrote a blog... and when I finally decided to write one, stupid Tom decided to make it difficult for me to post it. Sometimes I really hate Tom... I suppose it's the...
Posted by Toula on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 09:25:00 PST

A little madness can keep us sane

I've been so busy lately with work and training, that, unlike what some people think, I'm barely ever on My Space these days. As a result, I'm seriously behind in my blogs and some of you have request...
Posted by Toula on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 09:38:00 PST

Is porn reducing YOUR productivity?

I sometimes wonder what kind of research goes into reporting, when the findings are so off the wall, you can't help but question them. A recent article written by La Presse journalist (a French daily,...
Posted by Toula on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:30:00 PST

The Question Is: Can You Write?

Most of you already know that I write for a living. It's how I pay for my rent, my car, ridiculous amounts of CDs, T-shirts with silly sayings on them and my bar tab. You know... the basic n...
Posted by Toula on Thu, 04 May 2006 08:46:00 PST

Galavanting across the USA in a gas guzzler...

"To know the universe itself as a road,as many roads, as roads for travelling souls" (Walt Whitman) Everytime I travel, I marvel at how easily my life can shift and my perspective --always skewed...
Posted by Toula on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:46:00 PST