Music, dancing, guitar, Kempo Karate, inine skating, terraristik, Cryptozoologie, Photography and lots more
I'm looking for nice new people from all over the world.
Ska, Rock Steady, Early Reggea, Rhythm & Blues, Jazz, Swing, Punkrock, Rock and Roll, Metal, Irish Folk
Skinhead Attitude, Hooligans, The Football Factory, Sin City, Dogma, Star Wars, Herr der Ringe, der 13. Krieger, Braveheart, Blues Brothers, Pulp Fiction, Riddick & Pitchblack, Bud Spencer und Terence Hill movies, Hero, Tiger and Dragon, Animes
Simpsons, Dr. House, South Park, Reno 911,
Books about the nature and animals, fantasy-books like Hohlbein
Laurel Aitken and Martin Luther King