Member Since: 29/03/2007
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Band Members:
Notes from a Logbook - 2007
Leonardo De Lorenzo, Marco de Tilla, Daniele Esposito, Gianluca Falasca, Gianfranco Campagnoli, Domenico Guastafierro, Pasquale Benincasa, Gabriele Borrelli, Anna Gaia Mariella, Fabrizio Fedele, Carmine Terracciano, Roberto Petrella, Andrea Palazzo, Davide Ferrante, Corrado Calignano, Silavano Maria Fusco, Alfonso La Verghetta.
UFFICIO STAMPA: Synpress 44 di Donato Zoppo
GET the CD at or DOWNLOAD by the track or the entire album at or iTunes or
INCLUDE "Tu peste en mi piel" written to stand up for
ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking).
If you GET the CD at ECPAT you'll help the children victim of commercial sexual exploitation.
Recorded and Mixed by ALFONSO LA VERGHETTA at ISL
Italy Sound Lab
8095 Area Cd -Recensioni in tv
Which is the idea you have of a virtuoso? Egocentric and bizarre, easy to anger talent and air of superiority, fingers flying on an instrument and a big self consideration: an outfashioned image, inherited from those virtuosos who hid in their ivory towers, in the indisputability of their skills, in the absolute certainty that they didn’t need to refer to anyone in order to improve. But there is a different kind of virtuoso, people such as Oderigi Lusi. A pianist from Campania (south-western Italy) with a great curriculum, Lusi with his personality and temperament doesn’t fit in the individualistic image of “genius and unrulinessâ€: Oderigi has a feeling for the group, is predisposed to collective work, has elasticity, is open to new things, is able to put himself under discussion. For him, being a “virtuoso†is creation, sharing, circularity.
The awareness that talent is a gift to be saved, stimulated and made the most of with meetings, travels and experiences is the cornerstone of his first solo album. Behind Notes from a Logbook lies the Philosopher’s Stone of sound, an alchemy mixing together jazz and spiritualism, rock and mystic paths, world music and knowledge, cultivated music and hidden vibrations. Notes is a travel diary, the result of an inner growth matured on middle-eastern routes and inner reflections, about Oderigi’s own path as a musician with a brilliant academic past, about his flair as an involving executor, about his adaptability as a partner in many line-ups.
Notes from a Logbook resumes in eleven tracks Oderigi’s life, never disjointed from music. He is a deeply inspired author, absorbing the best from the contributions he made: Malaavia’s majestic progressive, Osanna’s Mediterranean rock, his beloved Debussy from his classic studies and Paleo’s ethno-fusion. As a homage to his “shared creativity†philosophy, Oderigi involved precious travel mates, such as the polyhedral songwriter Luciano “Varnadi†Ceriello, the exceptional drummer Leonardo De Lorenzo, the formidable guitarists Fabrizio Fedele and Andrea Palazzo, the bubbly percussionist Pasquale Benincasa.
Notes touches cultured sounds and reveals mature arrangements (Perle, Suoni), meets Davis’s early ‘70s moments and the best ethno-jazz (Breathing Under the Spanish Sea, Walk on), touches funk (Take off), bossa nova and oriental scales; evokes reminiscences from McCoy Tyner, Return to Forever, Al Di Meola and Perigeo, the Dead Can Dance of their Spiritchaser period reaching an author pop (Evanescente) that surprises for its refinement and elegance. Oderigi paints his memories and his inner self, flirts with the “scene†of the young, up-and-coming southern Italian jazzmen (Mirko Signorile, Michele Giuliani, Gio Gentile, Gianluca Milanese, Vito Ranucci) but remains separated from them thanks to his eclecticism. This record is a sonic fresco, luxuriant and exotic, often melancholic and twilight-like, a window on Mediterranean cultures and perfumes.
Notes from a Logbook is not only an album of colours and evoking atmospheres, of mixed sounds and surprising instrumental excursions. It is a record full of contents: pros and cons of globalization, sex tourism and exploitation of minors (Tu Peste en Mi Piel), meditations on travel (Da un Viaggio a petra), mysteries of spirituality (Karma), reflections on the meaning of art (Passaggi). Because Oderigi Lusi, before being an expressive pianist and a lucid composer, is a man: aware of the world he lives in, of the weight of being an artist, of the cathartic value of his music.
DONATO ZOPPO (Salerno, 1975): music journalist and shameless divulgator of progressive rock, jazz and “border musicâ€, write for such magazines as Wonderous Stories, Le Vie della Musica and L’Idea. He is amongst the founders of the very popular web portal MovimentiProg, is the musical coordinator of the Roman free magazine Metromorfosi. He is also the author of Premiata Forneria Marconi 1971-2006: 35 Anni di Rock Immaginifico (Editori Riuniti 2006), took part in Racconti a 33 Giri (2003) and 100 Dischi Ideali per Capire il Rock edited by Ezio Guaitmacchi (Editori Riuniti 2007). He writes zen tales such as Sulle Alture del Buddha and Stop Over Bombay (second placed in the Premio Frequency – MEI 2005), coordinates the TranSonanze project, works in the Vocidentro Films productions, directs the Synpress 44 press office. His very peculiar blog is
Notes from a Logbook live - Oderigi Lusi & the Konzert Ensemble
In the live show are played the music from the record Notes from a Logbook integrated with songs from previous productions and melodies by great 20th century authors (Bartòk, Prokofieff) that, rearranged, fit best in the context. All of this going through the Italian pianist’s background where different sounds interweave with each other creating a sonic plot often with no boundaries. The show is accompanied by the projection of short films with the presence of actors and often of classic dancers.
It includes strictly acoustic (but amplified) instruments: piano, flute or solo violin, solo vocals, speaking voice, double bass, drums, percussions, guitar, string quintet (that can be widened to a string orchestra).
Microcosmos - Il popolo dell'erba by Claude Nuridsnany (1996). Music composed by Oderigi Lusi at Accademia Chigiana (Siena) - International Film Scoring Course 2007 - Professor LUIS BACALOV.
Influences: All good music
LIVE - OSANNA (Italian Progressive Rock Band)
LIVE - FEDERICO II, L'ULTIMA DANZA (Italian Contemporary Lyric Opera)::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
LIVE - MALAAVIA (Italian Avantgarde Band)
Sounds Like:
Record Label: Ethnoworld MILANO (Italy)
Type of Label: Indie