Oderigi LUSI profile picture

Oderigi LUSI

About Me

Pianista e compositore campano ha da sempre affiancato gli studi pianistici classici, terminati con il massimo dei voti e la lode presso il Conservaorio "D. Cimarosa" di Avellino (M° Alessandro Carlo Lapegna), con l'interesse per gli altri generi e linguaggi musicali quali il Jazz, la world music, il rock.
Notes from a logbook (2007) ultimo lavoro discografico pubblicato per l’etichetta milanese Ethnoworld è un viaggio all’interno del background musicale del musicista campano dove sonorità e linguaggi diversi si mescolano tra loro intrecciando una trama sonora spesso priva di confini.
Leggi le recensioni di Notes From A Logbook
"Che immagine avete del virtuoso? Egocentrismo e bizzarria, talento irascibile e supponenza, dita che volteggiano sullo strumento e grande autostima: un’immagine demodè, tuttavia ereditata da quei virtuosi in ritiro nella loro turris eburnea, nell’indiscutibilità delle loro capacità, nell’assoluta certezza di non aver bisogno del confronto per la propria crescita. Eppure c’è un altro tipo di virtuoso, come Oderigi Lusi. Pianista campano dal brillante curriculum, Lusi per carattere e temperamento sfugge dall’immagine individualista del “genio e sregolatezza”: Oderigi possiede il senso del gruppo, la predisposizione al lavoro collettivo, l’elasticità, l’apertura al nuovo, la capacità di mettersi in discussione. Per lui “virtuosismo” è creazione, condivisione, circolarità. La consapevolezza che il talento è un dono da custodire, stimolare e valorizzare con incontri, viaggi ed esperienze, è alla base del suo primo album solista. Dietro Notes from a logbook c’è la pietra filosofale del suono, un’alchimia che fonde jazz e spiritualità, rock e itinerari mistici, world music e conoscenza, musica colta e vibrazioni nascoste. Notes è un diario di viaggio, il frutto di una crescita interiore maturata su rotte mediorientali e riflessioni introspettive, sul proprio percorso di musicista dai brillanti trascorsi accademici, sulla verve da coinvolgente esecutore, sulla malleabilità da partner di tante formazioni. Notes from a logbook racchiude in undici brani la vita di Oderigi, mai disgiunta dalla musica. È un autore profondamente ispirato, che assorbe il meglio dalle sue collaborazioni: il sontuoso progressive dei Malaavia, il rock mediterraneo degli Osanna, l’amato Debussy degli studi classici e l’ethno-fusion dei Paleo. In omaggio ad una filosofia della “creatività condivisa”, Oderigi ha coinvolto preziosi compagni di viaggio, come il poliedrico cantautore Luciano “Varnadi” Ceriello, l’eccezionale batterista Leonardo De Lorenzo, i formidabili chitarristi Fabrizio Fedele e Andrea Palazzo, il frizzante percussionista Pasquale Benincasa. Notes attraversa sonorità colte e rivela arrangiamenti maturi (Perle, Suoni), incontra le propaggini davisiane dei primi anni ’70 e il miglior ethno-jazz (Breathing under the Spanish sea, Walk on), lambisce il funk (Take off), la bossanova e le scale orientali; evoca reminiscenze di McCoy Tyner, Return To Forever, Al Di Meola e Perigeo, i Dead Can Dance di Spiritchaser, arrivando ad un pop d’autore (Evanescente) che spiazza per la raffinatezza e l’eleganza. Oderigi dipinge le sue memorie e la sua interiorità, flirta con il “giro” dei giovani e rampanti jazzmen meridionali (Mirko Signorile, Michele Giuliani, Gio Gentile, Gianluca Milanese, Vito Ranucci), ma se ne discosta grazie al suo eclettismo. Il disco è un affresco sonoro lussureggiante ed esotico, spesso malinconico e crepuscolare, una finestra su culture e profumi del Mediterraneo. Notes from a logbook non è solo un album di colori e atmosfere evocative, di sonorità contaminate e sorprendenti escursioni strumentali. È un disco di contenuti: gioie e dolori della globalizzazione, turismo sessuale e sfruttamento minorile (Tu peste en mi piel), meditazioni sul viaggio (Da un viaggio a Petra), misteri della spiritualità (Karma), riflessioni sul senso dell’arte (Passaggi). Perché Oderigi Lusi, ancor prima di essere un pianista espressivo e un lucido compositore, è un uomo: consapevole del mondo in cui vive, del peso di essere artista, del valore catartico della sua musica".
DONATO ZOPPO (Salerno, 1975): giornalista musicale e incorreggibile divulgatore di rock progressivo, jazz e musica di confine, scrive per testate come Wonderous Stories, Le Vie Della Musica e L’Idea. È tra i fondatori del popolarissimo portale MovimentiProg, è responsabile musica del free-magazine romano Metromorfosi. È autore di Premiata Forneria Marconi 1971-2006: 35 anni di rock immaginifico (Editori Riuniti 2006), ha partecipato a Racconti a 33 giri (2003) e 100 dischi ideali per capire il rock curato da Ezio Guaitamacchi (Editori Riuniti 2007). Scrive racconti zen come Sulle alture del Buddha e Stop Over Bombay (secondo al Premio Freequency - MEI 2005), coordina il progetto TranSonanze, collabora alle produzioni della Vocidentro Films, dirige l’ufficio stampa Synpress 44. Il suo bizzarro blog è: www.tabacchietarocchi.splinder.com
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Oderigi Lusi started studying piano very young. After a break for his high school diploma, he is admitted to the Music State Conservatory “D. Cimarosa” in Avellino for a composition course that he attends until he obtains his diploma. His original passion for instruments helps him to choose piano as his specialization, and he completes his piano studies with honours under the guidance of Maestro Carlo Alessandro Lapegna, himself a student and follower of Maestro Vincenzo Vitale’s Neapolitan piano school.
Currently, he is studying film scoring and composition at BERKLEE COLLEGE OF MUSIC in Boston.
Oderigi Lusi performs both as a solo artist and in chamber music contexts and took part in several national and international competitions and festivals.
In 2002 he wins the first edition of the “Bruno Mazzotta” grant awarded every year to the best piano graduated from the “D.Cimarosa” State Conservatory and performs in occasion of the presentation of such grant (21st of March 2003) in the Avellino Music School Auditorium playing pieces by Liszt, Schumann and Brahms.
He won the following piano competitions:
• "Giannina Aranci Lombardi" - Città di Marigliano ed. 1998 (1st prize);
• "Rassegna per Giovani Musicisti" - Città di Mercogliano ed. 1998 (1st prize);
• 8th Concorso Nazionale Pianistico "Campi Flegrei" (2nd prize);
• 1st Rassegna di Musica per Giovani in Campania (3rd prize);
He receives merit recognitions at the following piano competitions:
• XXth National Competition "Premio città di Pisa";
• IInd Piano Competition "Città di Cercola";
In 2000 he takes part to two International Courses of Musical Interpretation and Perfection held by Maestro C. Lapegna, one in Fondi (LT) and the other in San Martino Valle Caudina (AV). During such stages he performs at “Fondi Music Festival 3rd edition”, “Sperlonga Music Festival 1st edition” and “Concerti Itineranti” (Franciscan Convent Santa Caterina d’Alessandria, S.M. Valle Caudina – AV), making an impression by playing pieces by F. Liszt.
Again in the “D. Cimarosa” Auditorium in Avellino, he performs in the October of 2000 in the context of the School Project “F. Chopin – F. Liszt: Accostamenti e Differenze” and in the May of 1997 during the exhibition “Poesia, Musica, Danza e…”.For the Avella (AV) local tourism office two occasions need to be reminded: the January 1997 concert for the “S.O.S. dal Convento di Avella” initiative and in the June of 1998 in the San Francesco hall of the aforementioned convent.
In the April of 1999 Oderigi performs in the SCARLATTI hall in the Naples School of Music "San Pietro a Majella” during the “Incontrando la Città” and “Maggio dei Monumenti” initiatives playing pieces by Beethoven, Prokofieff and Liszt.
In the Summer of 2002 he holds a piano recital in the gorgeous Anacapri scenario, in the La Porta theatre.
Amongst his most important chamber experience to remember: the lyric recital held with the Soprano Maestro Agnese Sgambato during the “Dafne 2001” recital (Castello Lancellotti di Lauro – AV); his participation along with the violinist Maestro Vittorio Fusco to the national literary competition “Il Duemila: Valori e Prospettive” (Salone Camera di Commercio di Avellino); the concert with the horn player Maestro Francesco Vitale for the “Ascolto” project (D. Cimarosa Music School, Avellino); the concert at the Nola BNL with the Soprano Agnese Sgambato during “Casa Telethon” (December 1998) and the two lyric recitals held in November 2004 with the Soprano Sabrina Mazzamuto in Egypt and South Africa.
He is part of the choir as a a bass in the following Concert for Choir and Orchestra held by the D. Cimarosa School of Music Symphonic Orchestra:
• CARMINA BURANA by Carl Orff;
• Nelson MESSE by J. Haydn;
• Messa K317 by W.A. Mozart;
• Requiem by W.A. Mozart;
• "Prologo in Cielo" from A. Boito’s Mefistofele;
Maestro Lusi’s Composition studies opened his collaboration with Maestro Eugenio Ottieri’s Chamber Music class, that culminated on a concert on the 9th of June 1993 where some rearrangements for classical instruments quintet of some youthful Mozart symphonies by Oderigi Lusi are played.
His great musical sensibility, his technical preparation and his harmonic knowledge allow the eclectic musician to also work in musical environments outside the classic “genre”. Between 1997 and 2000 he plays piano in Maestro Renato Gaudiello’s Swing Time Big Band, with whom he plays in several Jazz concerts such as:
• "In honour of Bruno Mazzotta" - (11th June 1997, D. Cimarosa Auditorium);
• "Christmas Sounds" - (21st of December 1997, Circolo dei Forestieri - Sorrento);
• "To Angela Centrella" - (D. Cimarosa Auditorium);
• "Serino 2001" - (in the Serino Fauna Park - AV);
The pianist’s activity is also very intense in the Ethnic and Rock environments.
He toured with several national bands such as Blue Tango playing pieces from their record “Tra l’Africa, il Jazz e Altre Storie”; he accompanied in his European tour Giovanni Mauriello, the historic voice of Nuova Compagnia di Canto Popolare.
He has been a member of OSANNA, historic band of the Neapolitan progressive rock, as a piano and keyboard player, from 2004 to 2008.
He released with Malaavia the record “Danze d’Incenso” produced by the Milan label Ma Ra Cash. It has been considered by the critics one of the best records in the progressive genre and beyond in recent times. Besides having played in “Danze d’Incenso” Oderigi Lusi has been in charge of composing part of the music, of arrangements, orchestrations and artistic production. The record has been followed by a tour that saw the band opening for such bands as PFM and YES (Voghera, July 2004).
Between the August of 2005 and the February of 2006 he worked as substitute and concert Maestro in the contemporary opera Federico II, l’Ultima Danza written by Antonio Maiello and now produced by David Zard. The Opera debuted on the 14th of February 2006 at the “Lyrick” theatre in Assisi. The cast includes a corps de ballet, singers, actors, a symphonic orchestra and a rhythm section of middle-eastern musicians, in which Oderigi Lusi played piano and keyboards (celesta, cymbal, synth).
In the August of 2007 he takes part to a course about Composing Film Music at the prestigious Accademia Musicale Chigiana in Siena held by the Academy Award winner Luis E. Bacalov.
Personal discography:
• ODERIGI LUSI - Notes from a logbook (EW) - 2007
• MALAAVIA - Danze d..incenso (Maracash) - 2004
• RITMI GLOBALI EUROPEI - Compilation - 2001
• NOBODY..S LAND act 2 - Compilation (Electromantic Music) - 2004
Discographic participations:
• OSANNA - DVD Concerto per Scampia - (Suoni del Sud) - 2006
• OSANNA - DVD Concerto per Scampia 2 -(Suoni del Sud) - 2007
• LUCIANO CERIELLO - Big Jim & Barbie (Afre Music) - 2007
• LUCIANO CERIELLO - Il Canto della Vita (Afre Music) - 2007
• CIRO CAPANO – Differentemente…(Edizioni Spai) - 2007
• LUCIANO “VARNADI” CERIELLO – Radio Varnadi (Afre Music) - 2008
• OSANNA – Prog Family – (Afraka) - 2008
• NO MORE RAINY DAYS – Omaggio a Paolo Di Sarcina (Polo Sud) - 2009
Other live participations:
Hichem Badrani, Orchestra del Teatro dell'Opera Magiara di Cluj (Romania), Francesco D'Ovidio, Alexandre Stepkine, Enzo Campagnoli, Tony Pagliuca, Davide Bonetti, Mauro Di Domenico, Leonardo De Lorenzo, Marco de Tilla, Fabrizio Fedele, Gianfranco Campagnoli, Gabriele Borrelli, Domenico Guastafierro, Paolo and Giuseppe Sasso, Gianluca Falasca, Silvano Maria Fusco and many others.
During Festivals and Reviews Oderigi Lusi shared a stage with such artists as:
PFM, YES, Carl Palmer, Ray Wilson, 24 Grana, ..A67, Jenny Sorrenti and Marcello Vento, Rino Zurzolo, David Cross, Jerry Marotta & Tom Griesgraber, Marco Zurzolo, Enzo Gragnaniello, James Senese & Napoli Centrale, Peppe Barra, Lino Cannavaciuolo, Nacchere Rosse, NCCP, Antonio Onorato & Joe amoroso, Enzo Avitabile, Eugenio Bennato and many more.
Musical studies resume:
• Diploma in piano at the “D. Cimarosa” school of music in Avellino with honours;
• Two years training certification;
• Inferior completion of courses in Composition and Score Reading;
• Meritory diploma obtained at the International Courses of Musical Interpretation (2000) - Città di Fondi (LT);
• Meritory diploma obtained at the II International Master Classes (2000) - Città di San Martino Valle Caudina (AV);
• Attendance recognition at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana (2007) for the corse of Composing Film Music (held by Luis Bacalov);
• Studies of Jazz piano under Maestro Francesco D’Errico and Classic and Jazz harmony under maestro Renato Gaudiello.
Sergej Prokofieff and his piano works. Stylistic and formal analysis of Sonata op. 28 n. 3.
Other works:
• Wolfgang A. Mozart - Sinfonia K. 120 in D - Arrangement for classical instruments quintet;
• J. S. Bach - Concert Bwv 1056 in F minor for cembalo and orchestra - Arrangement for two pianos;
• Music for a scene from "Microcosmos - Il popolo dell'erba" by Claude Nuridsany - Final concert of international film scoring course (Summer class) - Professor: Luis E. Bacalov.

My Interests


Member Since: 29/03/2007
Band Website: http://oderigilusi.it
Band Members:

Notes from a Logbook - 2007

GUESTS: Leonardo De Lorenzo, Marco de Tilla, Daniele Esposito, Gianluca Falasca, Gianfranco Campagnoli, Domenico Guastafierro, Pasquale Benincasa, Gabriele Borrelli, Anna Gaia Mariella, Fabrizio Fedele, Carmine Terracciano, Roberto Petrella, Andrea Palazzo, Davide Ferrante, Corrado Calignano, Silavano Maria Fusco, Alfonso La Verghetta.

UFFICIO STAMPA: Synpress 44 di Donato Zoppo

GET the CD at www.btf.it or DOWNLOAD by the track or the entire album at www.emusic.com or iTunes or www.amazon.com

INCLUDE "Tu peste en mi piel" written to stand up for ECPAT (End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking).

If you GET the CD at ECPAT you'll help the children victim of commercial sexual exploitation.

Recorded and Mixed by ALFONSO LA VERGHETTA at ISL
Italy Sound Lab

8095 Area Cd -Recensioni in tv

Which is the idea you have of a virtuoso? Egocentric and bizarre, easy to anger talent and air of superiority, fingers flying on an instrument and a big self consideration: an outfashioned image, inherited from those virtuosos who hid in their ivory towers, in the indisputability of their skills, in the absolute certainty that they didn’t need to refer to anyone in order to improve. But there is a different kind of virtuoso, people such as Oderigi Lusi. A pianist from Campania (south-western Italy) with a great curriculum, Lusi with his personality and temperament doesn’t fit in the individualistic image of “genius and unruliness”: Oderigi has a feeling for the group, is predisposed to collective work, has elasticity, is open to new things, is able to put himself under discussion. For him, being a “virtuoso” is creation, sharing, circularity. The awareness that talent is a gift to be saved, stimulated and made the most of with meetings, travels and experiences is the cornerstone of his first solo album. Behind Notes from a Logbook lies the Philosopher’s Stone of sound, an alchemy mixing together jazz and spiritualism, rock and mystic paths, world music and knowledge, cultivated music and hidden vibrations. Notes is a travel diary, the result of an inner growth matured on middle-eastern routes and inner reflections, about Oderigi’s own path as a musician with a brilliant academic past, about his flair as an involving executor, about his adaptability as a partner in many line-ups. Notes from a Logbook resumes in eleven tracks Oderigi’s life, never disjointed from music. He is a deeply inspired author, absorbing the best from the contributions he made: Malaavia’s majestic progressive, Osanna’s Mediterranean rock, his beloved Debussy from his classic studies and Paleo’s ethno-fusion. As a homage to his “shared creativity” philosophy, Oderigi involved precious travel mates, such as the polyhedral songwriter Luciano “Varnadi” Ceriello, the exceptional drummer Leonardo De Lorenzo, the formidable guitarists Fabrizio Fedele and Andrea Palazzo, the bubbly percussionist Pasquale Benincasa. Notes touches cultured sounds and reveals mature arrangements (Perle, Suoni), meets Davis’s early ‘70s moments and the best ethno-jazz (Breathing Under the Spanish Sea, Walk on), touches funk (Take off), bossa nova and oriental scales; evokes reminiscences from McCoy Tyner, Return to Forever, Al Di Meola and Perigeo, the Dead Can Dance of their Spiritchaser period reaching an author pop (Evanescente) that surprises for its refinement and elegance. Oderigi paints his memories and his inner self, flirts with the “scene” of the young, up-and-coming southern Italian jazzmen (Mirko Signorile, Michele Giuliani, Gio Gentile, Gianluca Milanese, Vito Ranucci) but remains separated from them thanks to his eclecticism. This record is a sonic fresco, luxuriant and exotic, often melancholic and twilight-like, a window on Mediterranean cultures and perfumes. Notes from a Logbook is not only an album of colours and evoking atmospheres, of mixed sounds and surprising instrumental excursions. It is a record full of contents: pros and cons of globalization, sex tourism and exploitation of minors (Tu Peste en Mi Piel), meditations on travel (Da un Viaggio a petra), mysteries of spirituality (Karma), reflections on the meaning of art (Passaggi). Because Oderigi Lusi, before being an expressive pianist and a lucid composer, is a man: aware of the world he lives in, of the weight of being an artist, of the cathartic value of his music.
DONATO ZOPPO (Salerno, 1975): music journalist and shameless divulgator of progressive rock, jazz and “border music”, write for such magazines as Wonderous Stories, Le Vie della Musica and L’Idea. He is amongst the founders of the very popular web portal MovimentiProg, is the musical coordinator of the Roman free magazine Metromorfosi. He is also the author of Premiata Forneria Marconi 1971-2006: 35 Anni di Rock Immaginifico (Editori Riuniti 2006), took part in Racconti a 33 Giri (2003) and 100 Dischi Ideali per Capire il Rock edited by Ezio Guaitmacchi (Editori Riuniti 2007). He writes zen tales such as Sulle Alture del Buddha and Stop Over Bombay (second placed in the Premio Frequency – MEI 2005), coordinates the TranSonanze project, works in the Vocidentro Films productions, directs the Synpress 44 press office. His very peculiar blog is www.tabacchietarocchi.splinder.com

Notes from a Logbook live - Oderigi Lusi & the Konzert Ensemble

In the live show are played the music from the record Notes from a Logbook integrated with songs from previous productions and melodies by great 20th century authors (Bartòk, Prokofieff) that, rearranged, fit best in the context. All of this going through the Italian pianist’s background where different sounds interweave with each other creating a sonic plot often with no boundaries. The show is accompanied by the projection of short films with the presence of actors and often of classic dancers.

It includes strictly acoustic (but amplified) instruments: piano, flute or solo violin, solo vocals, speaking voice, double bass, drums, percussions, guitar, string quintet (that can be widened to a string orchestra).

Microcosmos - Il popolo dell'erba by Claude Nuridsnany (1996). Music composed by Oderigi Lusi at Accademia Chigiana (Siena) - International Film Scoring Course 2007 - Professor LUIS BACALOV.

Influences: All good music

CLASSICAL RECITALS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIVE - OSANNA (Italian Progressive Rock Band) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIVE - FEDERICO II, L'ULTIMA DANZA (Italian Contemporary Lyric Opera):::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: LIVE - MALAAVIA (Italian Avantgarde Band) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. DISCOGRAPHY :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sounds Like:

Record Label: Ethnoworld MILANO (Italy)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Myspace.com Blogs - Notes From A Logbook live: ODERIGI LUSI in concerto, 15 maggio 2008 - Synpr

Posted by on Mon, 05 May 2008 10:40:00 GMT

Notes From A Logbook recensito su Montelocale

Vi segnalo una nuova recensione all'indirizzo:http://www.mentelocale.it/contenuti/index_html /id_contenuti_varint_19645Buona letturaOderigi
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 08:55:00 GMT

Notes from a Logbook recensito su MovimentiProg

Autore: LUSI, ODERIGITitolo album: Notes From A LogbookNazionalità: ItaliaEtichetta: Ethnoworld RecordsAnno di pubblicazione: 2007Voto medio: (8)Recensito da Donato ZoppoLo struggente esordio del gio...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Oct 2007 07:25:00 GMT

Notes from a Logbook sulla guida musica di supereva

La musica globale di Oderigi LusiA cura di Claudio CostantinoPubblicato il 20/09/2007 su http://guide.dada.net/musica_progressive/Il Pianista-tastierista dei nuovi Osanna pubblica il suo primo album s...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 10:52:00 GMT

Notes From A Logbook recensito da "Il popolo del blues"

Cari amici vi segnalo una nuova recensione del mio ultimo lavoro fatta dall'importante testata musicale: "Il popolo del Blues".La potete leggere al link:http://www.ilpopolodelblues.com/rev/gennaio08/r...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:15:00 GMT

Oderigi Lusi conquista la stampa

Jam, Wonderous Stories, Musicaround.net, Mentelocale e Musical News apprezzano l'album d'esordio del giovane pianista Un inizio di 2008 folgorante per Oderigi Lusi, tastierista degli Osanna e autore ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 11:02:00 GMT