I am a database of artists. I am a contact point. I am the bridge that fills the gap. I am forever. I am always. I am Los Angeles.This is strictly a database of artists & galleries. All friends of the L.A. artist collective myspace account are artists or galleries. The purpose of this page is to keep artists up to date in regards to upcoming shows. To get the most out of me; subscribe to the blog. I get busy working on shows and stuff, so I don't always have time to let people know of shows on an individual basis. If I know of (or am putting on) upcoming shows, I'll blog about them, and then you can read the blog at your own leisure.
Upcoming shows:
Safari Sam's is hosting an upcoming monthly show called "100 Bucks 100 Artists". The show is an open submission with no formal curation. Artists that wish to submit work to this show should send inquiries to [email protected]
"XX / XY"
Curators: Julian Brummitt & Marcella Garate
Participating Artists:
Aaron Waugh - Sydney James - Frank Venadas - June Yuer - Robert Nichols - "4614" - Peter Alan Richard - Nick Wildermuth - Juice - Jonny Gomez - Jeremy Cross - Darren Saravis - Mickey ME - Craig "Skibs" Barker - Chris Callaway - Monet Clark - Kiiaannii - Ted von Heiland - David Wyffels - Barret Bailey - Appleusa - K. Jenkins - Johannah O'Donnell - Sara Zahn - Lawon Lim - Baruch Inbar - Jhon Hicks - tumbleweed - Jeff Smith