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I am here for Friends

About Me

Abbie is the name of the girl in purple. She's the one who gets super clueless at times and admits it no matter how embarrassing it may be. She usually has no idea what she's doing and rarely has a plan of what she's supposed to do. She's one who you see jumps around out of nowhere just because and looks completely WEIRD. She's the girl who has a lot of hair. She's one who always gets cold but tries to overcome this Daly City weather by running around some sort of structure. She gets crazy both with words and with actions and cannot figure out a way of controlling it. She gets over-protective sometimes. She is a pure chicken and a pure pinay at heart. She occasionally forgets to use her brain in certain cases. Abbie can get mad and there really is no specific thing you can do to get her back. Abbie loves loves hugs a lot; gets and gives one every chance she gets. Abbie is in-love. Abbie doesn't want to think anymore because it's really late at night already. Abbie almost always looks for things in the wrong places. And Abbie tends to just do whatever she feels like no matter how stupid she looks. Abbie's an over-analyzer.

My Interests

a book

I'd like to meet:

a) One who is willing to wait on the phone until I fall asleep at night.
b) One who doesn't lie.
c) One who will smile in pictures - with or without me.
d) One who doesn't say "it doesn't matter" all that much.
e) One who will go the extra mile for my sake.
f) One whose bedtime isn't too early for me.
g) One who can tell when I'm being serious and when I'm not.
h) One who will stop what he's doing for me.
i) One who will truly put his efforts in just to see me.
j) One whose "I love you"s I'll never get sick of.
k) One who knows when and when not to get jealous.
l) One who appreciates the world in a general sense.
m) One who accepts me the way I am.
n) One who loves me and can tell me why.
o) One who surprises me with stuff.
p) One who doesn't forget that he's taken...


1. CJ Abad
2. Michelle Leslie Puzon
3. Katie Pang
4. Janine Collado
5. Tina Ou
6. Megan Chanyontpatanakul
7. Kaithlyn Joy G. Rojas
8. Christine Phung
9. Avery Chua
10. Kelsey Reyes

My Blog

i would but i shouldnt

Hi 2008!I should vent and go crazy right now just because I sorta kinda feel like it but actually, I change my mind. I think I've done too much for the day in an attempt (unconscously) to crush someo...
Posted by abbie on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 01:41:00 PST


Having way too much fun in my world... the people - specifically this one dude - is making me so much happier than I could ever imagine. I just wish I was ever able to say all this to him; I wish I ca...
Posted by abbie on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 08:39:00 PST

perfect timing

Ohmygulay!!! Sorry to all of you if I'm still sounding emo or something but honestly, all I gotta say for now is that there is love in the air. I can't really face all of it and all at once -- it's k...
Posted by abbie on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 02:04:00 PST


during the past week, my home was practically San Mateo Performing Arts Center. Even if none of who i invited to watch did not come to watch, it was pretty ok in a general sense. Even the Paquita per...
Posted by abbie on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 08:31:00 PST


let's see... other than all the problems that I'm dealing with there's only one person in my life who seem to be able to make me smile. I'm very thankful for that person. Even if that person doesn't r...
Posted by abbie on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:00:00 PST

my life this Christmas!

you guys know what? it's Christmas Day!! December 25, 2004... so I went to church midnight of Dec. 24; slept almost 4am then I had to wake up at 9:30am because my mass was 10am.. I had to sing choir...
Posted by abbie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


CLASS '06Diane AlvaradoMarie AlvaradoVictoria ChenJanine ColladoWalidah MahasinJosie UntalanJacqui PagoboAbbie Ruth F. ReguindinChaw TunCLASS '07ChelseaChizobaMary AnnNatlie...
Posted by abbie on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 07:31:00 PST

'05-'06 SCHEDULE!

SCHOOL!1st period: Science Schleder2nd period: P.E. Junio3rd period: Reading Moore4th period: Language Arts Moore5th period: LUNCH!6th period: Algebra Mogannam7th period: Student Government Ross8...
Posted by abbie on Thu, 29 Sep 2005 06:30:00 PST

is school fun??

who can answer that question? nerds?smarty pantzz?sleepy heads?dumb-asses?dorks? well, I'm not a nerd, or a smarty pants, or a sleepy head, or a dumb-ass, or a dork.. but I can answer that question....
Posted by abbie on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Before I Let You Go

But baby before I let you goI want to say I love youI hope that you're listeningcuz it's true babyyou'll be forever in my heartand I know that no one else will do...
Posted by abbie on Thu, 22 Sep 2005 08:32:00 PST