I am an unrealistic optimist. I believe in making the impossible possible and at the same time not being attached to the outcome because in the end it's not the result that matters but who you become in the pursuit of it all.I have also spent the last three years resisting the fact that I am from Boston. During this time I have indulged in my wunderlust and traveled to all ends of the world, from Boston to Australia, Tokyo and some small islands in between. Not to mention I drove across America twice!The other day I finally accepted that I am from Boston (this might be dangerous to say because every time I do I end up leaving) I give into the cold winters and now I just bundle up with cute sweaters!I’m obsessed with MAKEUP! I love it so much I could eat it (ok maybe just the cherry flavored lip gloss). I also love music and lately I feel like it’s infiltrating my life on a whole new level. And my favorite sport is baseball, I love those RED SOX.Lately I just feel peaceful and happy with who I’ve become and where I’m going. . . I also hope I can impart some of that peace to my friends as well.And that’s a bit about me.oh and I still WANT TO GO TO PARIS!!!!..