"There'll come a time in life when there is nothing left to do but to go your own way. A time to follow your dreams. A time to finally stand up for your own beliefs."
"Blue Ocean You can see it through The water looks like clear Marine life lives in it It moves fast like thunder Ocean big and beautiful I fish in this beautiful blue ocean every day I want to spend the rest of my life diving in this blue ocean"
Xavier Naidoo, James Blunt, Christina Aguilera, All Saints, Alanis Morissette
The Big Blue, Whale Rider, Into the blue, Dolphingirl, Delphine, Perfume, Signs, A walk to remember, My Brother Tom, Finding Nemo, Eye Of The Dolphin, Das Leben der Anderen, Rattatouille
7th heaven, Friends, Sous le soleil, Gilmore Girls
Der träumende Delphin/ The Dolphin: Story of a dreamer, Die Botschaft des Meeres/ Thoughts by the ocean, Ein Strand für meine Träume/ Beach of dreams, Der Traum des Leuchtturmwärters/ The Guardian of Light, Das weiße Segel/ Distant Winds, Samantha/ Samantha, Die Zeit der Sternschnuppen/ Tales from the Heavens, Die Rose von Jericho/ The Rose from Jericho, Stella/ Rainbow. A Christmas Fable, The story of a Starfish and the Mule/ Der kleine Seestern-Die Geschichte einer besonderen Mission, Francesco/ Die blaue Grotte-Die Geschichte einer besonderen Begegnung
To work with dolphins is one of my biggest dreams. They are my heroes."I see your eyes, they always welcome me. And then I see how much you want me by your side. I feel your touch. You are so warm to me. You want to share with me the feelings that you have.You hold me tight. I feel my arms surround you. And then I feel your love in me, and the tears fall from my eyes.We are so close, together we are as one. We share a love that no one else can understand.Then you drift away, and I feel my heart is breaking, but then you turn and so feel your eyes on me.They say "I'm here, I'll always heal your pain." And so I reach out and I smile, as the tears fall from my eyes.You teach me trust, You show me the meaning of love, You help me understand life's little mysteries.You are my guide, you help me through this life. So now I wander all my roads with a dolphin in my heart."