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Mexican Temptation Fan Site

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Esta es una breve historia de como surgió Within Temptation, asi como se hicieron sus discos y que es lo que les despara el futuro.

Long-term partners Robert Westerholt (on guitar) and Sharon den Adel (vocals) began the band in 1996, quickly adding Jeroen van Veen on bass guitar, Martijn Westerholt at the keyboard and (following a succession of short-lived drummers), Ivar de Graaf. They were quickly offered a recording contract and signed to DSFA Records later that year, beginning work on their first release.
Enter (1997)
Enter, the debut album, was released in 1997. The album was well received and the band embarked on a four gig tour across the country, after which they were asked to perform at the Dynamo Open Air festival in Eindhoven, one of the Netherlands' largest heavy metal festivals. The band rounded out 1997 by embarking on their first international tour, of Germany and Austria.
The Dance (1998-1999)
In 1998 the band continued to tour actively - their profile had elevated them to the main stage at Dynamo for the 1998 event. However, Within Temptation had released no new material (and did not have plans for a second album at this point), to which end they elected to release an EP, The Dance.
Finally taking a break from touring, 1999 was largely a sabbatical year for the band. They took the opportunity to construct their own studio, as well as returning to personal pursuits, with plans to return to the fold the next year.
Mother Earth (2000-2003)
2000 was an eventful year for the band as they returned to touring, playing three Dutch festivals; Waterpop, Bospop and Lowlands. In addition they went to work on their second album, releasing Mother Earth in the Low Countries on December 1st. The album was a hit, receiving positive reviews across the board and rooted itself in the Dutch charts.
The band first released the single Our Farewell, which never entered the charts. The second single from Mother Earth, Ice Queen, was regarded as the breakthrough release for the band; in 2001 it climbed to number 4 in the Netherlands but was their first number one single when it climbed to the top in Belgium. The success rebounded to Mother Earth, which continued to climb in the Dutch album chart, ending the year at number 3.
2001 also saw a number of changes in personnel; Ruud Adrianus Jolie was added as a second guitarist, drummer de Graaf was replaced by Stephen van Haestregt, and Martijn Westerholt (suffering from infectious mononucleosis) was replaced by Martijn Spierenburg. Westerholt later started the band Delain.
The band achieved still wider appeal in 2002 with their first concert in France and even a headline gig in Mexico City. They attained their first major award, the Dutch Silver Harp. They bolstered this by embarking on a major international tour supporting Paradise Lost in 2003 and re-releasing Mother Earth on the GUN Records label across more European countries; it was a particularly large success in Germany, where it went platinum and reached number 7 in the charts; the re-release of Ice Queen also charted well in the top 30. In turn the Benelux regions got a different release, a cover of Kate Bush's Running Up That Hill. The band highlighted music festivals across the Netherlands and their Mother Earth tour DVD claimed the prestigious Edison Award.
The Silent Force (2004-2006)
Plans for the band's third album came to fruition in 2004, with the release of The Silent Force on November 15th, 2004 across Europe. Daniel Gibson's production was an instant number 1 in the band's heartland and charted well in many European countries. In support of the release they embarked on another large international tour in 2005, with dates across the continent (including their first major UK concert in London) and a one-off show in Dubai. Stand My Ground and Memories, the first singles from the new album, continued the band's run of chart success, culminating in a second Edison Award. Stand My Ground was promoted on the trailer for the film Blood and Chocolate.
In January 2006, Within Temptation won the Dutch Pop Prize (best Dutch pop contribution) and Dutch Export Prize (best-selling Dutch artist outside The Netherlands), the latter given to them for the third time in a row. The band also reported that they were busy working on their next album, due to be released during the fall, and that they would start playing at festivals starting in April, in addition to going on an international tour at the end of the year.
The Heart of Everything (2007-present)
The new album The Heart of Everything from Within Temptation has been released on the 9th of March in the Netherlands and 24th of July in the United States. The release dates for multiple countries are found on their official Myspace page. The song "What Have You Done" will be the first single from the new album. Its music video was recorded on the 12th, 13th, and 14th of December in 2006 in London, Windsor and a studio for CGI, and features Keith Caputo's guest vocals. Fans were allowed to participate in the making of the video, and will appear in it. Shortly after, a completely new video for the song was made, and it is this version that can currently be seen on their MySpace page. Two more tracks, "The Howling" and "The Sound of Freedom", have been recorded as promotion material for the video game The Chronicles of Spellborn, and the first of these will be included on the album. The full track listing was revealed on the 10th of January.The band will embark on their first North American tour with Lacuna Coil in May.
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I like supporting underground bands!!! but this space is exclusive for wt fans!! and bands that i already know... if youre an underground band and you think that your music could be the type of music that i love send me a friend request to my personal myspace: If youre a hip hop band or r and b or whatever dont send anything cause i dont like that kind of music sorry!!!Pues a Within Temptation, que no es obvio jaja

Y a todos los fans de Within Temptation en Mexico y en latinoamerica, y en otros paises tambien pero mas que nada en latinoamerica.
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Sharon Den Adel's Tribute Video made by WtmelSharon Den Adel's Tribute Video Made by MeTen Years of great Music - Video
Within Temptation gana premio Tmf Holanda!La banda ganó el dia de ayer dos de las categorias a las que estaban nominados en los premios Tmf de holanda!-Mejor acto en vivo - Mejor video (What Have You Done)Para la banda el tocar en vivo es lo mejor de todo y para ellos el haber ganado dos premios por "Mejor acto en vivo" es todo un honor!Pueden ver los videos de cuando la banda recibe los premios en esta pagina Blog-metal waysTambien pueden ver el video de la presentación aquiGracias a todos por haber votado!!

Como ya saben la banda estuvo nominada al premio de mejor acto en vivo internacional en los premios Tmf de Belgica! bueno pues ganaron!.. pero eso no es todo, tambien recibieron un premio de platino por su anterior producción discografica: The Silent Force!.Gracias a todos por haber votado!Tambien la banda tuvo una presentación en vivo en los premios!, las canciones que tocaron fueron What Have You Done y All I Need, para ver el video de su presentación y para saber mas noticias de la banda y otras bandas como Delain, After Forever y demas vayan a Blog Metal Ways.comSigan votando por la banda en los premios Tmf de Holanda para que ganen en las categorias a las que estan nominados!Premios Tmf de Holanda

Imagenes All I Need!

Imagenes del nuevo video han sido reveladas! Para verlas solo vayan al foro a la seccion de noticias y opinen sobre ellas!

Portada y track list de All I Need!!
La banda por fin ah revelado la portada de su nuevo single que saldrá a la venta el 5 de Noviembre! en Europa, el video se grabo el domingo en Berlin.
Como ya había dicho este nuevo single será lanzado en dos formatos, la banda aun no ha revelado en que paises saldrá el single en tiendas de disco y en cuales solo podrá comprarse por Internet.
Las lista de tracks es la siguiente:
Digipack de 5 pistas:
- All I Need (Single Version) - All I Need (Album Version) - The Last Time (Demo Version) - Frozen (Demo Version) - Our Solemn Hour (Demo Version)
Versión de 2 pistas:
- All I Need (Single Version) - All I Need (Album Version)
La versión de 5 tracks contiene la canción de The Last Time la cual nunca ah sido lanzado o escuchada por nadie antes!!.
El arte de este single fue tomado del nuevo video de All I Need, el cual pronto podremos ver.
Reedición de The Heart Of EverythingLa banda re-lanzará el nuevo album The Heart Of Everything este 2 de Noviembre, este lanzamiento incluirá un Bonus Dvd.El contenido del Dvd es desconocido todavía, aún no se sabe si este re-lanzamiento incluriá pistas ineditas o si será una nueva portada (al igual que el album Mother Earth en el Reindo Unido).Mas información sobre este lanzamiento y sobre el nuevo single All I Need, proximamente.
El nuevo single de Within Temptation será ALL I NEED el noveno track de su más reciente producción discografica The Heart Of Everything.

Este nuevo single al igual que Frozen estará disponible en dos versiones:

- Versión con 2 pistas
- Versión Premium

El lanzamiento de este nuevo single será el 2 de Noviembre y pueden pre-ordenarlo en Emp Online

Las pistas aun no han sido reveladas o al menos yo no las eh visto al igual que la portada, en cuanto sepa mas sobre este nuevo single les informo.

Información obtenida de:

Pagina web oficial de within temptation Francia

Myspace Within Temptation Dragon
Within Temptation's Street Team UsaRoadrunners is looking for hardcore fans to promote the music and name of Within Temptation in the states, as you all know the band has been touring with lacuna coil in that country.. so if you're interested and you think that you have what it takes to be part of the street team of the band click the image and fill the application!! good luck if you decide to do it!Within Temptation gana el premio 3FM como el mejor artista de rock!Tambien gana por cuarto año consecutivo el premio exportacion que se le otorga a las bandas que venden mas discos fuera de su pais!

Within Temptation American Tour Dates!

Within Temptation Ahora en Itunes!!!

NUEVO EP DE WITHIN TEMPTATION: El Ep ya esta a la venta asi que obtengan su copia antes de que se agoten, la gira de within temptation en los estados unidos esta por comenzar junto a la banda italian LACUNA COIL!FROZEN NOW OUT! Track ListMaxi Single01. Frozen - Single Version 02. The Howling - Single Version 03. Sounds Of Freedom - Previously Unreleased 04. What Have You Done - Acoustic 05. The Cross - Acoustic 06. Frozen - Video 07. The Howling - VideoNormal Single01.- Frozen - Single Version 02.- The Howling - Single VersionEstas dos ya estan disponibles para escucharse en el myspace de Within Temptation..
Get your own playlist at!
Pimp My ProfileEsta es la discografía hasta el momento de Within Temptation.
The Dance

ENTER: Este es el primer album de esta increible banda holandesa

Mother Earth: Con este disco Within Temptation se da a conocer, ya que tuvo mucho exito

The Silent Force: Ya con este disco venden millones en Netherlands y alrededor del mundo, conviriendolos en la banda holandesa con mas ventas fuera de su pais.

The Silent Force Tour Dvd
Mother Earth Dvd
Mother Earth Dvd Limited Edition
Memories Dvd Version
Stand My Ground Dvd Version
Ice Queen (German Edition)
Ice Queen Dutch Edition
Our Farewell
Mother Earth German Edition
Mother Earth Dutch Version
Running Up That Hill
Stand My Ground
What Have You Done
El nuevo album de Within Temptation se titula: The Heart Of Everything, ya esta a la venta en varios paises europeos y en Asia saldrá en unas semanas. Los fans del continente Americano tendrán que esperar hasta Julio, cuando el album saldrá a la venta.
Track List:

    1.- The Howling - 5:33 2.- What Have You Done (feat. Keith Caputo) - 5:13 3.- Frozen - 4:28 4.- Our Solemn Hour - 4:17 5.- The Heart of Everything - 5:35 6.- Hand of Sorrow - 5:36 7.- The Cross - 4:51 8.- Final Destination - 4:43 9.- All I Need - 4:51 10.- The Truth Beneath the Rose - 7:05 11.- Forgiven - 4:54 * Bonus Track:What Have You Done (Rock Mix) (solamente en la version digipak) - 3:52

En la versión Estadounidense del disco, este termina con The Truth Beneath The Rose y no con Forgiven como en la versión europea, además la versión norteamericana contiene un bonus track del pasado single del disco The Silent Force.
USA track List
    1.- The Howling- 5:33 2.- What Have You Done" (featuring Keith Caputo)- 5:13 3.- Frozen- 4:28 4.- The Heart of Everything- 5:35 5.- All I Need- 4:51 6.- Our Solemn Hour- 4:17 7.- Hand of Sorrow- 5:36 8.- The Cross- 4:51 9.- Final Destination"- 4:43 10.- Forgiven- 4:54 11.- The Truth Beneath The Rose - 7:05 Bonus Track: Stand My Ground- 4:26
La versión del disco, disponible para comprar en itunes, contiene tres pistas en vivo en lugar de los bonus track: what have you done (Rock Remix) y Stand My Ground, estas pistas en vivo son: "Memories", "Angels"y "Stand My Ground"
El disco original cuenta con una función llamada Open Disc, la cual contiene cosas especiales para los fans como: Videos, fotos, entrevistas, etc, esta función esta conectada en directo con la pagina oficial de la banda: .
The Heart Of Everything ha sido muy bien recibido en Europa, aquí están las posiciones que Within Temptation ha alcanzado en los conteos:

    Billboard Europeo: #5
    Netherlands: #1
    Finlandia: #2
    Alemania: #5
    Suiza: #8
    Austria: #12
    Checoslovaquia: #12
    España: #23
    Noruega: #24
    Dinamarca: #32
    Bélgica: #36
    Reino Unido: #38
    Italia: #48
    Francia: #26


Add to My Profile | More VideosIce Queen (Alternative Version)MOTHER EARTHRUNNING UP THAT HILL SINGLERUNNING UP THAT HILLWithin Temptation

Add to My Profile | More VideosTHE SILENT FORCE ALBUMSTAND MY GROUNDWithin Temptation - Stand My Ground

Add to My Profile | More VideosMEMORIESWithin Temptation

Add to My Profile | More VideosANGELSwithin temptation


Add to My Profile | More VideosWHAT HAVE YOU DONE? SECOND VERSIONWithin Temptation - What Have You Done

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Sharon habla sobre el proceso de escritura de un nuevo album.. y de un album en vivo

Esta entrevista esta en Ingles y es la versión completa, para los fans mexicanos estará disponible una versión en español y mas corta ..> Within Temptation: Sweet Emotion with Sharon den Adel &n...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 08:02:00 PST

Nuevo Video de Within Temptation anunciado!!

Como todos ustedes ya saben el proximo sencillo de Within Temptation es All I Need, bueno pues tambien All I Need es el proximo video!!La banda anunció que el video será filmado en Alemania, aprovech...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 10:25:00 PST

Caged Demo Version!

The demo version of caged is now in the myspace mp3 player! so listen it.. is great! Here is the lyric ...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST

Within Temptation in the 3FM Awards!

Hello! as all of you know the band was nominated in this awards that are like the Mtv video music awards, they took place April 15th.The band was nominated in this categories:- Best Rock Artist- Best...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:22:00 PST

Within Temptation On Itunes!

Bueno pues la banda se ha unido con una de las mas grandes tiendas en linea del mundo: Itunes! de apple.. ya esta disponible para el publico norteamericano la descarga del single: What Have You Done?,...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:46:00 PST

Galeria de fotos en el foro.. ahora abierta!!

La galeria del foro ya esta abierta y con 4 albumes: - Album de la banda - Album de Sharon Den Adel - Album de imagenes en vivo - Album de arte de within temptation Cada album cuenta con 10 imagenes p...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 12:13:00 PST


Your call is coming I'm dreaming away For what lies hidden It needs to be found Sounds of freedom make me wanna try When the ghosts are found They us to tomorrow Sounds of freedom make me wanna try Vo...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 10:42:00 PST

New Single: Frozen Info!

Well the new single will be release next monday!, the band has confirm the track list that i already gave you... anyways here is the official track list for the new single 1. Frozen (single version)2....
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 11:19:00 PST

Nueva pagina de WithinTemptation Mexico

Bueno como la pagina web de within temptation esta en construcción, eh creado una pagina nueva muy completa que será por el momento la pagina web de within temptation.. la nueva pagina tiene: - Foro -...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Thu, 31 May 2007 09:43:00 PST


..> Well as you know THE HEART OF EVERYTHING has a special feature called OPEN DISC, when you have the original album you can register to get special content that no one else can't, well WITHIN TEMP...
Posted by Mexican Temptation Fan Site on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:19:00 PST