Buddy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Cool Myspace Contact TablesI'm a 12 year old single part Siamese tabby who just likes to have a good time. I'm a pretty big boy and quite handsome if I do say so myself. My mom found me in the animal shelter in San Diego nine years ago. All the other cats were trying to look cute so they'd get picked to go home with her, but when she came to my cage I rolled over from my nap and hissed at her and she knew I was the one. We've been together ever since. Mom travels all the time for work so I go with her to keep an eye on things in the hotel while she's at work. Oh, and I also have a little sister. She's a real pain, all teeth, claws, and a bad attitude.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Garfield, Bucky Katt, Midnight Louie and any other cat cool enough to have his own myspace page. I'm open to dog friends too, but they have to be really cool. ;-) Update: I don't want this to come out the wrong way, but I'm getting tired of all the junior high drama going on here. If you're into that please don't ask to be my friend. I'm a cat. If you're sick or feeling sad I will be a great friend to you. But if you are having bf/gf drama with another cat I just can't get into that. We are not a bunch of 14 year old humans!
Kitty Survey
What is your name? Buddy Alexander Smith
Do you have other names? B-Butt, Budster, the Bud Man, Sweetness
How old are you? 11
Where were you born? San Diego, I think
Where do you live now? Seattle
Who is your human? my mom
How did you find your human? I was in the animal shelter and she came and picked me out
What type of cat are you? part Siamese, part tabby
Do you have siblings? Yes, a sister named Lucy
Are you wearing a collar? Nope. I don't have to in the house!
What color is it? my collar is blue with pictues of Garfield on it
Do you eat canned food? every day
What's your favorite type of treat? moist ones
Do you like people food? I like milk, butter, tuna oil, and chocolate ice cream
What's your best feature? my charm
What's your worst feature? weird things on my toenails
Do you like your litter box? Sure
Do you stay in it for a long time or do you jump right out? Well I don't take a book in there with me...
What makes you purr? sitting with my mom, having my tummy rubbed
Do you go outside? only on my leash with Mom
What's your favorite toy? tennis ball or laser pointer
Do you like to knead things? hell yeah, especially my Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal
Are you declawed? Nope
Do you get along w/other cats? usually, dogs too
Where's your favorite place to sleep? in bed with Mom
Do you have long or short hair? short
What color are you? gray
How do you feel about water? is this a trick question?
Do you like being a kitty? of course!


My Blog

Damn it!

Mom did it again.  She didn’t let me spend hardly any time online for the past few weeks and some of my friend requests expired before I got to accept them.  She’s a bad cat...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 20:33:00 GMT

Please don’t delete me!

Hi Friends,I managed to steal the computer from Mom for a minute so I could talk to all of my friends. I miss you guys. I haven't been able to visit everyone's page and leave comments for the past cou...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 10:41:00 GMT

Moms a Genius - No, She's NOT!

I never thought I'd say this, but my mom is a freaking genius!  We used to have high speed internet from the cable company but you had to sit at the desktop in the spare bedroom to use it.  ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 21:19:00 GMT

I feel terrible and its Mommys fault.

I had a bunch of friend requests and Mom made me wait so long to use the computer that they expired before I could accept them.  I feel really bad because now those nice cats probably think I'm m...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Dec 2007 21:35:00 GMT

Friend Requests

Hi! If you sent me a friend request (or are planning to - I love meeting new animals) please be patient with me while I accept them.  I like to go onto each of my new friends' pages and read thei...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 20:34:00 GMT

Mom’s Home!

Lucy and I have been visiting our friends Ellis, Lysee and Felix in Butterville this week while Mom was out of town.  She just called to say she's back from Amsterdam so now we're going to fly ho...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 18:59:00 GMT

I was tagged

Mommy got tagged by her friend and since she deleted her own page to focus on mine, I guess I'm going to let her talk about herself for once.  But just this once! We're going to tag Shawn, A...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 19:57:00 GMT

Mom is so goofy

Mom was just sitting on the couch helping me leave comments for all my friends when she saw something out of the corner of her eye.  She looked down and saw a HUGE spider a few inches away. ...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 22:23:00 GMT

Mom might be getting a new job...

Well Mom interviewed for that new job this week.  She's supposed to find out this coming week if she will get it or not.  If she does she won't be traveling all the time anymore so I won't&n...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 14:23:00 GMT

Vist Part 3 - Sunday

Yawn!!!  Well we just woke up.  It looks like it's going to be a beautiful day here in Seattle.  Last night was so much fun.  We all snuggled together on the couch and watched the ...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 10:36:00 GMT