Dancing, reading, college, Guitar Hero, Rock Band, motorcycles, lots of other stuff too I guess...I dunno...
I have the most wonderful boyfriend I could ever ask for, and he makes me extremely happy...so I'm just here to meet friends and people interested in the same things as me.
If you're goofy and like to play Guitar Hero or Rock Band, then you'll fit in with me and my friends! LOL!
Almost anything in the local rock scene...so long as there's talent involved...lol! I like rock, alternative, techno, house, breaks, blues, hiphop (choreographer)....a little bit of almost everything, with even the tiny bit of classical tossed in for good measure every now and then.
Again, almost everything...but I don't really do westerns or documentaries, sorry...lol! I like movies that make you think, movies that make you laugh, movies that make you scared to go to sleep, movies that make you cry, etc. But I especially love movies that mess with your head or make you change your way of thinking...or at least open up your mind a bit :-)
Smallville, Heroes, How I Met Your Mother, Jericho, and Grey's Anatomy are my favorite regular shows...other than that Comedy Central, Spike TV, Cartoon Network, and WB are about all I watch.
I love fantasy novels - Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan, Runelord series, Shadowmarch by Tad Williams ...also currently working on "The Singularity is Near", about the rapid advancements of technology's influence on human life on all levels and it eventually gaining an intelligence all it's own...
Heroes to me are every day people who make it through hard times. I don't think someone should be a hero just because they're a pro-athlete or movie star or anything like that...heroes surround us every day, we just have to know where to look.