The idea of the band Prod starded out somewhere in the middle of year 2006. It was formed at first by three friends,but later to make the band bigger we called an extra singer - Marko.With his great vocal and singing style,he created totally different dimension to Prod.Untill he came all of the songs was made with Dario singing on them. The song ''Hera'' is one of them. This is the first real band for our drummer. Lead vocal Marko and bass player Mario were together in the metal band called Anborn.And guitarist Dario was singer in the band called Entropy.We're trying to make the things a little bit different and more interessting,and also trying to combine all our music influences such as Mastodon, Meshuggah, Deftones, Lamb Of God, Tool, one single band.With brutal,math and mellancoly tunes we're trying to make music that we always wanted to listen,but never had a chance...
Special thnx goes to all our friends for supporting us in this.But the biggest 'thank you' goes to Ivo Ott for his help in cover designing for the ''Hera EP'' and Toni Lujic for ''21 21'' album cover.
So far we played with bands such as Six Pack, Usud, Inside My Casket, The Rite Of Retaliation, Radikal Dub Kolektiv, Ursus Arctorus, Pure Stems Pack, Fallen Angels, E.N.D., Bulletproof, Ashes Of Humanity, Defiant, Skaut, Blackout, Project:Genova, Sta Ima?, Gregzeye, Cydocore, Black Stena, Moltencore, Insolitvs, Cold Snap, Sufosia, Mors Ultima Ratio, We Come One, Me As free to check them out here in!
For contact our e-mail adress :
[email protected]