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I am here for Friends

About Me

I took this photo the day before going to the Fountain of Youth. The hike around this Florida State park was so good. I enjoyed viewing the tropical plants and getting some great photos.
************************************************************ **********************************************************It 's Summer and it's ok to be hot!.

Each season brings changes we expect. I expect this season to be better than the last. Enjoy!

Sum Beach Beautiful - -

I work , love my job, country, and God. *** Something positive about my life *** I lived in Texas, and that's where a few good friends I know live. Now I'm up in Ohio missing the wide open space of Texas. I may move someday, but for now I'm needed here. I like to travel go on short trips. I date, and enjoy my time away from work! I played sports when I was younger and loved it. I have been fortunate in my life and have met some really good and wonderful people. I respect life and for those who show respect in return.
************************************************************ **********************************************************I was up at the Strawberry festival and someone in the crowd was yelling for more Rush. Well Friends This is the only way to RUSH and do laundry. This video is so good you've got to watch and listen. Turn up the volume and ROCK! Oh so good!******************************************************* ************************************************************ ***This drum solo took me several hours to find. This is in my judgement one of the best drum solos I have watched. Making music and going solo is two different types of music. Keep in mind this will last ten minutes and the cool part is at the end. So if you start watching stay tuned untill the end. Its like watching a great fireworks display! This is exceptional and from New Zealand. Kick back, turn it up and ENJOY!
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Pearl's***************************************************** ************************************************************ *****This Lady is "Gorgeous". Pamela Danzy, my friend for keep's.
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December 22, 2007
I went to my mail box and I found inside one of the best Gifts I had ever received. She is special, and I am so very happy that Pamela is my friend.
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This belongs up top! Please help a child learn and stop neglect! Always remembering Marcus,and give more to those children who have less and expect nothing more than miracles.******
April 26,2008
I was in Buda Texas and watched a great show. Talk about getting struck by a Star. This Lady is Gorgeous, and is a Beautiful woman on the inside. She has worked hard to get her message out and to help with children who have been neglected. She raised over 35,00 dollars for the cause. Even without pay or recognition for her efforts. Pamela is always willing to help out. She is getting my respect and gratitude. Just listen to Pamela's song " Pearl ". Neglect can come in many different way's! I have never been one to shy away from anyone in my life. That day I felt like a marble in the cosmos waiting for the next shooting star to help me catch up with Pamela Danzy! Thank you Pamela, your a shooting star so bright. I can only watch with a good pair of sun glasses!Thank you for the Music, the show was outstanding!" You Rock" Pamela Danzy!
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Kacey Musgraves
July 5, 2008
The day after the Fourth of July, and what a night for music. I was happy to see Kacey Musgraves play her music, she was fantastic. Kacey is a young beautiful woman from south east Texas. Kacey sings with a Texas twang and sounds very good! I miss living in South east Texas. For a few hours I felt like I was back home on a friday night. After a hot day working at the shipyard, we would clock out and run to our favorite spot for some cold drinks, dance with the girls and jam with the music. Kacey is a talented song writer and singer. I have her CD and she has always been a favorite of mine. I will see her again some time in the future. I recommend to any country and rock music fan to see one of her shows! You will appreciate her talents as you watch and listen! Great show Kacey Thank you! And I'll be watching the schedules for your next live performance.************************************************ ************************************************************ ********** I love those songs that are so good and you never hear them on the radio. That's why they invented CD players. Some day I may build my own sound studio. Practice play or record. Now that's a cool Ideal!****************************************************** ************************************************************ ****Wow can you believe the beautiful people who are on my friends list? They are all very special and unique. The prettiest lady's you will ever see and hear sing. The Guys" well we are just guy's being and doing guy things. And they are here. I am happy your here and thanks for stopping by! Thank you!
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The life you save may be your own or a loved one.
*** DON"T DRINK AND DRIVE! *** Savvy ************************************************************ *********************************************************Wit h all the advances in the world today. We should defeat poverty all over the world. Leave no child behind should mean every living child in the world. Let's back it up with Dialog, real food, clean water, and medicines. Let's be a better neighbor and save lives!
************************************************************ **********************************************************Ja nuary 4, 2009. My Birthday is on the same day as [NaTaLiA] she turned 22 / I hope it was a great Birthday for her! Mine was great thanks everyone!
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Music Please
Let's turn it up!
Music it's so good!
************************************************************ **********************************************************So me Beach Beautiful
Love is like an island out in the middle of sea searching for those to stand and inhibit the warm sands and enjoy the cool skies of love!
@}--->--************************************************* ************************************************************ *********
Flash Toys************************************************* ************************************************************ *********
~~~In honor of Joe Knuxall
The old left hander is rounding third and heading Home.
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************************************************************ **********************************************************NF L football.
Each year we see someone from the list of NFL great's do stupid things. It came as no surprise to me. If your married why do you need two girlfriends? Why do you get married?
It's Official I am now a Cowboy True and Blue
You heard the song by Kid Rock ? "" I'm a COWBOY!
************************************************************ **********************************************************Wh o Dey? Yea right!" Where Dey at?
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Ya seen the TV comerical! play -off's ? PLAY - OFF'S??? Who said PLAY - OFF'S?
The Bengals need to make it to some type of Bowl. How about a bowl of Captan Crunch? Milk does the bode good! Ya got Milk ?*********************************************************** ***********************************************************O nly in the NFL can a guy like Michael Vick. Go from the Atlanta Falcons, To the Federal Jail Birds, Be release and get signed by the DESPERATE Philadelphia Eagle's . Just wait until he gets to Cleveland and meet the Boyz in the Dog pound. Vick sets a new NFL record. Only player to Three Pete. To be named on three teams with bird name's. Maybe next year he can try out for the Ravens! Vick is a LOSER, they should have never let him return to the NFL.
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I wrote this, Saturday, August 25, 2007
Michael Vick
Category: Sports
You lose VICK! There is no get out of Jail free card. But be warned the place your going to is patrolled by armed guards and trained K - 9's. Michael Vick gets a view where he can watch Spot run, Spot jump, and Spot roll over. And may Spot get a chance to "" Excuse the Fun"" hike a Leg on Vick!
They are getting ready to set Vick free. My feelings are its an early release. Loose the KEY'S!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~**************************************************** ************************************************************ ******Dear Lord:
Thank you for bringing me to Timmy's houseand not to Michael Vick's -- AMEN!
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

So many famous people! Actors, politicians and musicians to choose from! Hey I said hello to Coach Joe Gib and he said hi back to me. When I saw Joe Knuxall out in the public, he would wave hi and say hello! Because I was waving and yelling hello! I can remember as a 10 year old boy yelling for Pete Rose at old Crosley field and seeing him toss base balls to us on little league night!. I can just see each persons appeal and greatness with a simple hi! Each encounter is worth more to me than hand shakes and autographs. If you took the time to read this, yes I'd like to meet you!
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Stars! I like a wide range of music. My favorites are Pamela Danzy, Kacey Musgraves, Holly Bakehorn, Skyler Day, Marthia Sides, Virgina Rao, Jane French and Christy Clayton. And a few others who you have just got to listen too. They are very good and some are already great. Jane French is a home town girl here in Cincinnati. We are really lucky to have such great talented musical artists such as Jane and Peter Frampton living and working in Cincinnati! But really there are so very many to choose from I could never pick just one who I'd love to meet. Maybe some day I'll get to meet all of them! But for now, I'm just going to listen and enjoy their music! ************************************************************ **********************************************************
Get your layout at Myspace Get your own Wavy Scroller
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My Blog

When they leave

I had a really nice trip this past week. Had plenty of time to think about all the events that have come and gone. I finally found the answer to a problem I have been dealing with for over 30 years.  ...
Posted by on Mon, 28 Sep 2009 19:41:00 GMT

Number one World Heritage

Top Ten Most Visited World Heritage Sites in the U.S.  1. Great Smoky Mountains National Park  The Great Smoky Mountains are among the planets oldest ranges, formed 200-300 million years ago. Encompa...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Sep 2009 07:39:00 GMT

Patriot Day

Three weeks before the attacks on 911 I was at CVG international air port  waiting for Sue to land. She was flying in on  United Airlines. While I was in the waiting area I noticed a guy sitting in th...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Sep 2009 06:05:00 GMT

One crazy Summer

Its been one crazy summer. I am looking for the dog of the dog days of summer. Please throw Spot a bone. Good Doggie. I like the cooler temps.  But where's that Dog??Ah but a reminder to those who are...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Aug 2009 15:05:00 GMT

The worst week

The worst week of my life!   When things go as bad as you can imagine! They come sudden and with little warning! I thought I was prepared for this day. I found out a few things about me tha...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 15:06:00 GMT

Nov 1, 2008

 Warning,  Caution,  Danger!!!!   Just a warning to all those Turkeys out there! It's that time of year! YA better Run  and ya better Hide!  WHY ???   Because ...
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 11:41:00 GMT

Fun For Halloween

Fun for Halloween Halloween is always a fun time for the children. It's one night a kid can dress up any way they choose! Choices a kid loves to make. And catching some grown up's off guard. Its not a...
Posted by on Fri, 31 Oct 2008 13:40:00 GMT

Lower Gas

Lower gas prices at the gas pumps and could not come at a better time! I'm so lucky! A week of being sick, and fighting a bad flu bug! I am ready to head out on my road trip. And I am so luc...
Posted by on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 21:13:00 GMT

Warning :: The Ohio State Police are cracking down

     Warning :: The Ohio State Police are cracking down on speeders heading into Cincinnati!For the first offense, they give you two Cincinnati Bengal's tickets. Ifyou get st...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 00:34:00 GMT

Clayton tells a Tale ~<<

Subject Little Clayton Tells a tale       Little Clayton is in the Fifth grade. Yesterday morning when the teacher asked the children what their fathers did for a living. All the typic...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 15:57:00 GMT