This is a project of Bustop31 TV
The Randall family: The "Royal Family" of Adult Entertainment - Tea and Crumpet!
"Crumpet" (WOMAN) noun [U] UK SLANG one or more people, usually women, who are sexually attractive: "a nice bit of crumpet"
We would like to introduce you to a show we are "prepping" on the irresistible, delightful, enticing and always fun, The Randall family: The "Royal Family" of Adult Entertainment!
It's an hilarious behind the scenes look at British ex-pat and Erotic Photographer/Horse Breeder, Suze Randall, and her unusual family business.
To comply with the MySpace Terms of Service we have not placed the clip for you to view here, but instead on YouTube and Veoh.
Please be advised that this clip and the show it promotes contain some adult material, and may be considered unsuitable for underage viewers.
You can view the pilot video and the newest webisodes as they are added on Veoh and YouTube.
Just click on this link to view, subscribe and comment! Tea and Crumpet! on Veoh
Or click on this link to view, subscribe and comment Tea and Crumpet! on YouTube .
You have to be a member of the YouTube and/or Veoh communities to leave a comment and have a subscription to be informed of updates. We would love to know what you think by leaving comments here on our MySpace as well!
To learn more about the Randalls, click on this blog link Tea and Crumpet! blog
Watch the videos, let us know what you think, and please come visit us again as we add new updates! Enjoy and Thanks!
What is Busstop 31 TV?
A Bus Stop is a place to begin or end your journey. You can jump on, jump off or even transfer to another bus.
A Bus Stop is a place for all kinds of people to gather before setting off in their own directions. It offers choices of destination, a precise location and easy use.
Our Bus Stop works in much the same way..but with no wait time!!
We are 'planting the first seeds' of our Internet broadcasting Network. Of course, it is not an actual "Real Time" Broadcaster like NBC, ABC or CBS, but our goal is to provide a venue, on the Internet, for a blend of eclectic and stimulating programming . . . Bus Stop 31 TV
So check out this delightful and fun project behind the scenes of The Randalls lives on Veoh
Tea and Crumpet! on Veoh
or on YouTube
Tea and Crumpet! on YouTube
Thanks for stopping by. We look forward to hearing from you!