I started playing guitar in college during the late 70's
where I ended up majoring in Rock and Blues. I moved to Dallas in '79 and played
pickup gigs in bars and partys and was focused on trying to be a heavy metal
player. Heavy metal never happened for me and thankfully a friend (Charley Wirz)
told me after flaming out in several auditions "everything you play always
sounds like blues to me" and encouraged me to play more in that direction.
I moved to Chicago in the mid 80's and played more pickup gigs with various
people. Most notable was the time I spent playing in Shock Treatment with Lefty
Dizz (Walter Williams). Playing with Dizz brought me to a place musically that I
very much enjoyed and found true passion for. An electric blues infused with
fire. I also started a new project with the help of my friend Rick Felgenhauer
called Big Jim and The Cat Daddy's. We had a time I'll tell you! Playing
anywhere in Chicago from "The Board" at 43rd & King to Wrigley Field and beyond.
Around 1989 I felt that I needed to change my life and put down the guitar and
became a professional (What's that ????). I went to work and didn't touch the
instrument for another 10 years. During this time I lost several people very
dear to me in my life and and the relationship with Jesus that I had as a young
man was coming back into the forefront of my life. It had not yet fully come to
me what Jesus really means to me. It is only now that I scratch the surface of
who and what Jesus is in my life. THANK YOU LORD !
Towards the late 90's while in Europe working I had a rekindling of spirit
towards playing music based on the reactions of people when I was encouraged
into playing at a party. I started to become interested in music again and began
to start playing again slowly.
I began searching for a new church home in 2000. I knew that I needed spiritual
feeding and growth. I also during this time met my wife who has constantly
encouraged me to play music. In '02 I found myself with nothing but time on my
hands and there was a need for a bass player at the church where we attend. I
felt a strong leading of the spirit to fill this need and purchased a bass rig
and showed up. I have been engrossed with Christian music since that time and
have now started to write songs and become involved with worship leadership.
The MySpace thing is completely new to me. So please have patience and stay
tuned. God bless and keep you !