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The Enlightenment Tour

A National Youth Missionary Project

About Me

Ever wanted to do missionary work in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? If so, this is the opportunity of a lifetime! Be a part of The Enlightenment Tour. The Enlightenment Tour is a "National Youth Missionary Project" dedicated to youth outreach in America. Join 6,000 Christian youth who are going into 20 metropolitan cities to show America's youth hope and peace through Jesus Christ. Youth are entering cities like Detroit, New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles, all to set up mission fields to reach America's at-risk youth. Mission fields include: Christian concerts, drama, youth rallies, workshops, community service, hospital & nursing home visitations, prayer ministry, children's ministry, and more!The Enlightenment Tour will stopover in each city for two days. Both days with consist of Literature Evangelism and Mission Fields. The second day will conclude with an Evening Youth Outreach Service at a stadium where youth of the city will have an opportunity to give their lives to Jesus Christ. The Enlightenment Tour begins on June 3, 2008 and ends on July 23, 2008. That's 54 days.If you are interested in The Enlightenment Tour, you should visit the official website at:"Allow the Lord to change your life, as you help to change someone else's."
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Member Since: 3/28/2007
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Band Members: David & Michael Boyd are 22 year-old twin brothers from Killeen, Texas. They learned of the Lord and accepted Him at a very early age, and were baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Since childhood they have enjoyed and participated in various youth ministries. In December 2003, they received a calling from the Lord to reclaim the youth in America. After many days of prayer and consideration, they began to discuss a massive group of Christian youth touring cities, in an effort to reach the at-risk youth in America. As a result, they formulated “The Enlightenment Tour, Inc.”, a 501(c)(3) charitable non-profit organization dedicated to youth outreach in America. They believe that love and the gospel of Jesus Christ will change lives. Therefore, they are uniting Christian youth missionaries to conduct various ministries throughout the metropolitan cities in America. This approach enables them to reach the at-risk youth in the local communities. They will also conduct a massive Youth Outreach Service and conclude their mission by leaving the names of those desiring to change their lives with local pastors, counselors, and other agencies.
Sounds Like: The Enlightenment Tour is a "National Youth Missionary Project". In the summer of 2008, we are taking an army of 6,000 Christian youth, 14-24 years old, on 120 charter buses to 20 metropolitan cities to reach America's at-risk youth. Our purpose is to show America's youth hope & peace through Jesus Christ.I Believe

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The Enlightenment Tour, Inc. at Agape C.O.G.I.C

Hey Everyone, On Wednsday Night, July 25, 2007, The Enlightenment Tour, Inc. had the opportunity to do Agape Church of God In Christ's first day program for their 3-day Vacation Bible S...
Posted by The Enlightenment Tour on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 09:10:00 PST