:::oN tHe sUrFaCe~~~~
:::I stand 5'4",fAir coMplExIoN
:::hanging oUt with mAh fRienDs
:::sHopPinG, sHoPpInG aNd sHoPpInG
:::chOc'Late adDiCt bAbYRuTh'S oH mY
:::sHoes ~~i hAve Lots(^_~)
:::bAgS.(iTs not juSt a bag,iTs a PrAda...
:::fReNcHtiPs(muSt wEar eVeryTyM)
:::lOvE tO wAtcH cAtwAlK
:::iCiNg-Like eArRiNgS & wrisTwAtcH
:::pHotO aDdiCt
:::sTuFF tOys(liKe jUlIaNA aNd mY nEw bAbY bEaR tHat "LES" gAvE iT To me)
:::bAck sTabber
:::pLastIc and aLL sOrts of dEm
:::peOpLE wHo mEss wIth mY liFe but tuRned ouT to mEss wiTh tHeir Own frEakiNg liFe
:::peoPLe wHo doEsn't kNow hOw to deAL wiTh theiR owN mEss
:::sOciAl cLimBer
:::biTch,,wHores & sLuts
i bAsicaLLy doN't rEgrEt tHe tHinGs i hAve dOne iN tHe pAst bUt reGrEt tHe tHinGs i fAiLed to dO. i bElieve tHaT eVeryoNe dEsErveS to be hAppYi LoVe pEopLe who hAs tHe abiLity tO mAke mE LaUgh, wHo CaReS fOr me, wHo uNdeRsTanD mE aNd aCCepTs me fOr wHo iAm i WouLd SaY tHat i'M a fULL-gRowN up laDy wHo uSed to gEt wHatevEr She wAnts.. iLovE bEiNg mE..aNd i liVe mY liFe to fULLeSt..aNd i'M eNjoYiNg it!!!
~~~~EvEryOne dEseRves to Be hAppY~~~~
kEeP rOCkiN'
sTay cOoL bUt doN't fReeZe
*cHeerS (^
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