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About Me

I am a professional musician who plays electric (rhythm) and acoustic 6-string guitars & 12-string acoustic guitar, flute, saxophone, keyboards & various percussion instruments. My home town is Amarillo, Texas but I currently reside in Albuquerque. My roommate and best friend, Ken, and I moved to Florida in 2003 where we lived happily until Hurricane Jeanne destroyed our home and we were forced to move out of Florida. We then lived in Amarillo for 2 years before we moved to Albuquerque. I am on the staff of Chad Allen Online , counseling at-risk individuals who are having difficulty adjusting to being gay in a predominately heterosexual world. I am an artist; I enjoy painting in oils or watercolors, but my favorite hobby is carving semi-precious gemstones like Malachite and Lapis Lazuli. I am currently working on a project to sell my carvings and other small antiques which will be beautifully framed, on ebay and other online sites. I read and write music and have composed many songs of my own. My last band, Revol Dog (spell it backwards) was comprised of several gifted and talented musicians (Steve Shirley, Dan Palmer & Dale Stephens) and I was heart broken that we had to go our seperate ways once Ken and I moved to Albuquerque. I miss performing with these talented musicians but have remained close friends with all of them and I return to Amarillo about once a month to stay with my best friends, Dan & Cory Palmer, and I get to play with my old band mates.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody and Everybody, but mostly men who are seeking friends and/or partners. I'm a very social person and would like to meet other guys who like to have good, safe and clean fun. I would never turn away any individual who wants to be friends, however the women of the world must accept the fact that I am gay and not looking for women who would like to be more than just friends. I am extremely interested in meeting other gay individuals who are musicians who would like to form a rock band that plays half cover tunes and half original compositions. It would be nice if all the members of my new band were gay, but heterosexual musicians that would like to audition will not be turned away because of their sexual orientation. That would be descrimination, something I wish to see end in my lifetime.

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