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Altered Visions

Altered Visions

About Me

Well, it is past the end of Summer, and already Winter.
We never did get the CD done.
My main Problem is I NEED A DRUMMER", or someone who has a nice Drum Sampler, and really knows how to use it.
If you have read through my page, or been here before,then you know I work with musicians all over the US, and we do it all VIA Internet.
So if you are a Drummer, or have machine and know how to use it, PLEASE Contact Me.
Take a Listen and if you are into what I am doing, and are able to send me a (DIGITAL) Stand Alone Track, I can work from there. If you are truly interested, let me know which song you want to do a track for, and I can get you the info, and tracks to work with.
I Am also still in search of other Musicians also, Vocals,Bass, Guitar, Keyboards.
But my main goal right now is
(DRUMMERS, & Vocalists) Until Next Post , Enjoy the Music!!!!!

Check it out!!! You can now hear these and all my Other songs on
New Music Radio
New Music Radio Song History
Check it out Everyone, You can now here My Music,
all the other Featured Artist working with me on this CD
and all the Best ORIGINAL My Space/Indie Bands @
New Music Radio.
For Info, on how you can get your Music Played,
Please contact me at [email protected] or New Music Radio Promotion Dept.
There are a links below, please add me to your friends.
New Music Radio

My Interests


Member Since: 3/28/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: I told you there would be alot of different artist on this album.
So here is a list, of sort to let you know who is who, and giver them the credit they desearve.

Song Title
"Angel Of Love"
All Music writtten
by Myself
Lyrics Co/written
By Mike Evans & Myself
Vocals: Mike Evans
Bass: JohnnyB
Drums: Keyboards
Rythum Guitar: JohnnyB
Keyboards: Johnny B

Song Title
"Young -N- Free"
All Music writtten by
Myself "JOHNNY B"
All Lyrics written
by Jacquee Rae
Bass: JohnnyB
Guitar: JohnnyB
Drums: Keyboards
Vocals: Jacquee Rae

Song Title
All Music & Lyrics
writtten by
Myself "JOHNNY B"
Lead Guitar
written by Bill(AKA) Jinx
Bass: JohnnyB
Drums: Keyboards
Vocals: Jacquee Rae
KeyBoards: Johnny B
Rythum Guitar 1: JohnnyB
Rythum Guitar 2: Bill(AKA) Jinx
Lead Guitar: Bill(AKA) Jinx

Song Title
"I Don't Know"
All Music & Lyrics
writtten by Myself "JOHNNY B"
Lead Guitar: Johnny B
Rythum Guitar: johnny B
Bass: Johnny B
Drums: Keyboards
Vocals: Mike Evans

Song Title
All Music writtten
by Myself
All Lyrics writien
By Fran
Vocals: Fran
Bass: JohnnyB
Drums: Keyboards
Rythum Guitar: JohnnyB
Keyboards: Johnny B

Song Title
"Nugent Tribute"
All Music writtten by
Myself "JOHNNY B"
Lead Guitar Johnny B
Bass: JohnnyB
Drums: Keyboards
Rythum Guitar : JohnnyB

Below are Photo's of the featured artis and links to their My Space Site.
After listing to my stuff, Please take the time to visit thier site's.

The Karma Jinx

Jacquee Rae

Michael Evans Project

Influences: Ozzy/Randy Sabbath, Terrible Ted, Metallica, Pantera, Dio, AC/DC, Kiss,Most all Classic Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Little Thrash, Alternitive,Southern Rock, Blues..... Too many to list
Sounds Like: Sounds like ME!!!

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Free Air Time 4 Bands PleaseRead!!!!

Hello Everyone, please take the time to go here and add me as one of your friends. This is my Promotion/DJ page for New Music Radio. If any bands are interested in some FREE AIR TIME Please go here...
Posted by Altered Visions on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 07:18:00 PST