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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am a dreamer, like all people I want to be loved and love, wish for peace, a cleaner world, no hungry homeless people, but I feel we must first take care of our selves, followed by family, before we jump into saving the world. How can we help others untill we help ourselves. I look forward to the day when I'm in that position. At the moment I'm working on my art, Jewelry designing. I work with my husband and brother in law. The other day I sent my brother in law a present, he called a few days later thrilled. I'd sent him some amazing pearls to work with, no one could understand his delight, that's just work. but it isn't to he or I, we can't wait to get to it and create. For those in the arts of any kind you must know how it is. I've met many people with different careers and the express their lack of talent, I only have to say we are all gifted in different ways, I certainly am not an accountant and much apprieciate their talent. I absolutely love meeting people, of all walks of life and talking about all sorts of things, it's amazing what you can learn, about others and yourself. I hope I never stop learning. I hope this tells you a little about me, besides the expected things that I'm also fortunate to be, a wife and mother of two, only more to add to my personality and character. Which I am quiet!!! Click Here to view my website

My Blog

UP YOUR EAR/Derujinsky Design

For all those that have been wondering what on earth happened to us, we've been very busy, schedualing our annual art tour. Today is departure day, from sunny south florida to the north western region...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Jun 2008 15:29:00 GMT