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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi im tyler and i love gatorade, exact change, ninjas, tattoos, elvis, things that make me laugh, making others laugh, cool shirts, lamp, newbalance shoes, things that are open 24 hours, batman, rum, 80's hair metal, socks, cranium, flying, good marinara sauce, the italian chandelier, random trivia, vanilla scented candles, choices, cougars, green army men, line dancing, demolition derbies, pirates, and cereal....I hate racism, sexism, no hockey, 9/11 conspiracy theories, when people think they are one thing but are actually the opposite, the phrase "how goes it?" religious or political extremeism, ignorance, running out of milk, cigarette smoke, being late, red lights, big dumb raised trucks, being bored, betrayers and muntineers. AIM = Supersxyninja Tyler --

A person who has the ability to be invisible

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

A punch drunk billionare, King Jeremy the Wicked, and Keyser Soze.


A little bit of everything, tell me something good to listen to.


I am a huge movie fan, but i like movies that kick ass, none of this romantic comedy nonsence. Save that for somebody with a vagina, here is a list of some of the best movies of all time in no special order, and if you do not agree then you are wrong, but feel free to tell me what should be on and why and if i agree i will put it on the list.1. The Last Samurai 2. Braveheart 3. Terminator 2 : Judgement Day 4. Saving Private Ryan 5. American Beauty 6. Bowling for Columbine. 7. The Boondock Saints. 8. The Breakfast Club. 9. Garden State. 10. Top Gun.And what would a best list be with out a worst list, the following is a list of movies that should never have been made. And made me want to put a gun in my mouth when i watched them.1. Any Kate Hudson movie, THEY ARE ALL THE FREAKING SAME! Yes i get it she meets a guy they dont get along at first and through out the course of 2 hours they put aside they're differences have a few laughs and realize that they have loved eachother all along at the end. Lets get real people 2. Dude where's my car? what they hell? Who looked at the script for this one and said "yeah this sounds like a winner" 3. Blade 2, hey its cool ill just dodge light 4. Matrix reloaded, did you see the rave scene or the CGI fight that would never end? 5. Amelie, chick flick TO THE MAX. I hated it 6. Lord of the Rings 1, 2, and 3. Could they be any longer! Seriously i was pulling my hair out trying to get through them.


History Channel, TLC, Discovery channel, DEXTER, family guy, american dad, arrested development, robot chicken


ill be honest, i like to read but have not finished all that many books.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Bruce Lee, Master Kim, The Punisher, Lance Armstrong.

My Blog

Quotes for the days....

"Not all treasure is silver and gold." - Capt. J. Sparrow "You miss 100% of shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky "People are bastard coated barstards with bastard filling" - Dr. Cox "Dont mess with ...
Posted by Tyler on Wed, 11 Jul 2007 11:34:00 PST

Tyler 101

1. I have a tattoo2. I graduated from UCI3. I have 2 younger sisters and a younger brother4. I love spiral staircases5. I think line dancing is really fun6. I wear a size 10 shoe7. I ow...
Posted by Tyler on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Rules to live by

1. If at all possible, avoid doing anything important on an empty stomach. 2. Get what you really want, not what you can get right now. 3. Never underestimate your opponent or yourself. 4. Never let a...
Posted by Tyler on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 01:50:00 PST

Satan and the chocolate factory

Okay so i was watching the new "charlie and the chocoloate factory" and someting occured to me. As i was watching i noticed that all of the bad chilrdren could easily fit into one ...
Posted by Tyler on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 04:07:00 PST

Cycle Tsunami hits Mission Bay!

Hello everyone, I would like to start by saying thank you again to everyone who lent there support to the MS foundation. It was a great turn out and this event raised over two million dollars so give ...
Posted by Tyler on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:27:00 PST