BIO: We're a Burbank based metal band derived from every part of the sickest, drunkest, beat-the-shit-outta-your-face, METAL. We started jamming during the High School era still very influenced by SLAYER, and SEPULTURA. We made our first songs and played some covers at the begining of our band
development. We're very influenced by the bands we listen to so we try to grasp at every genre of METAL possible, and/or at least grap the most disgustingist part and make sure that's what we're playing. All in all your bound to hear some true badass METAL. But we are even more influenced by the bands we play with. All the true local band striving to keep the METAL UNDERGROUND living, and for all the right reasons. Not to make money, sell out to comfort "easy listeners," or to make it on the radio and be big. But to play on stage, and to get hammered drinking high poisonous levels of BEER and to meet badass METALHEADs and mingle with hotass METALCHICKs, to stammer around the earth and bring a sense of brutality (and pain from moshing) into the realm of the METAL UNDERGROUND as wells as it's prideful, youthful and upcoming following that already exits. But most of all, we live for METAL and that's what we're gonna do. So hit us up for anyshow and we'll be there.
Condemptionlive at Paladino's Bar
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