Strength, Baseball, Alcohol, Laughter, Smiles, Kisses, Penguins, Playing Air Guitar, Pistachios, Swings, Eating Pizza, Love, and chocolate. .
I've met my match, but I wouldn't mind meeting Bjork. But only if I could be bossy and make her sing to me for hours. Although, she kind of looks like a child and that makes me uncomfortable.
Oh..and I'd like to meet Jamie's better half.
Bjork, GOMEZ, Pearl Jam, Tool, Fiona, System, Alanis, Rilo Kiley, Interpol, Radiohead, Smashing Pumpkins, Lullabies, Good Beats, The sound of a Harp, Fantastic melodies that save my mind from complete meltdown. Tons more..
Coming to America, Groundhog Day, Airplane, Empire Records, Mallrats, The Golden Child, Gia, Hook, Love Potion #9, Speed, Dancer in the Dark, V, Lucky Number Sleven, Spinal Tap, Best in Show, Orgasmo, Breakin', Kissing Jessica Stein, Nemo, Making out during Empire Records, The best part of every movie is the popcorn!!
CSI(Las Vegas), L Word(Season 1)Six Feet Under(when it was alive), Freaks and Geeks, Queer as Folk, Subterranean, and 30 Minute Meals with Rachael Ray.
Any psych memior
Pewwy, Victoria Beckham...and these girls...