you know who your true friends are when they move across the country and they are there for you anyway. When they call you too make sure your okay. When they let you wake them up just to listen to you cry your heart out.
Ashley-Your in florida right now but it hasnt changed a single thing. i love you so much your my best friend in the whole wide world. you mean everything to me and i would be nowhere without you. You have helped me through so much. i guarentee that we have survived everything under the sun and nothing can keep us from being best friends. your there for me no matter what tim it is and you dont put up with peoples crap. were in this together and what happens to you happends to me. i cant wait for you to come back up here and vist cause we got some hoes to straighten out haha. this summer when i come to visit is going to be great!
marilyn-aye mama! your the girl that calls me to yell at me for crying. you tell me to forget him hes not worth it and your always right. you got my back and ive got yours. we do the craziest crap and we geek hard as shit together. im so glad we had math together it has made us so close and i wouldnt trade our friendship for anything in the world. Your always honest and tell me whats up even if it isnt what i want to hear and i appreciate it so much. I know i can trust you with anything because you arent two faced when you say your here for me i know you really are and your here to help me. I love you mucho chicka :]