If I dont know you I may be a bit gaurded but, since I am open to meeting new people I suppose I can reveal some, To start I dont need any help from anyone , I am very independent and full of courage and have been ever since I was 15...I have always felt one with nature , I once had an entire encyclopedia...which I learned almost everything I know from. I absolutely love life , life of our own as human beings and that of the animal kingdom I enjoy very much shell diving off the coasts of Jamacia . Please dont dont steal my spot, if your thinking of doing so ... this spot is personal for me... you can get fifty dollars for some shells even... I was orphaned when my father mysteriously died while exploring Crab Key..after my father was killed , I dont talk about my childhood much , because there are some things Id rather forget ...But let me just say I once got my revenge for something someone did to me once by putting a black widow spider under his mosquito net, taking him a whole week to die.....