Hi, I'm Ollie Williams, I think that's a pretty wicked name as far as it goes.
I'm pescetarian, oddly apathetic and feel nothing much is worth getting worked up about.
I'm currently studying Digital Media BA at Brighton uni, The city is rad, the course? Not so much, it is getting better though, and 2nd year should be amazing.
I intend to get a job at Boyed corp, because it sounds evil, and will primarily consist of hating, patrolling, and trying to catch people riding dirty.
I am a right nerd, I know far too much useless stuff but I love it.
I am a dancy drunk, though to be honest I don't see the point in getting absolutely rat-arsed.
Smoking is alright, it's just not cool to force it on people who don't like it, so I think the smoking ban is awesome.
I wish I saw more films and read more books, though I'm not too bothered, the odd action will do me fine, since I'm only occasionally in the mood for anything more thought provoking.
I'm just getting into making electronic music.
Everyone's allowed to be a little pretentious but don't overdo it.
I wish I could motivate myself more to do things I want to, and I wish I was more confident, but I am sure these things will come with time.
I love the number 8 and the colour orange.
Since coming to uni I've realised how attractive accents are.
A world without cake is inconceivable. My flatmates know how much I love Bakewell tarts.
The sound of rain
Thai sweet chili dipping sauce
Funny/ironic slang
Lightning bolts
Synthesised Handclaps
Venetian blinds
Bonne Maman
Brown cardboard
Cross processing
Disliking things
50% duty cycle squarewaves
Steampunk design
Regular Cats
Brushed metal
Leffe Blonde
Bright colours
Capri suns
Reese's Cups
American Apparel
(Vintage) tees
Things I Don't Like:
Child actors: I actually despise them.
Flour(on bready products): Makes me tingle
Bad grammar/spelling (I will cut you some slack though)
Barbecue sauce
When people don't think of going to google first when they have a google-able question.
Dairy (there are some exceptions)
Walking slow: Get the chuff out of my way.
Crustacea also freak me out.
Music To Turn The Fuck Up.