Member Since: 27/03/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Dan Heide, Kim Granly & Kenneth Granly
Influences: The Smiths, Morrissey, Neil Young, Hank Williams, Joni Mitchell, Nick Cave, Radiohead, Billie Holiday, Tom Waits, Ron Sexsmith, REM, the Band, Elliot Smith, Willie Nelson, Tindersticks, Johnny Cash, Ingmar Bergman, Bruce Springsteen, Gordon Lightfoot, Bright Eyes, Jokke og Valentinerne, Elvis Costello, Roy Orbison, Leonard Cohen, Counting Crows, Emmylou Harris, Belle & Sebastian, Alice in Chains, Depeche Mode, Smashing Pumpkins,spiritualized,Håkan Hellstrøm, Tim Hardin, Dum Dum Boys, Patti Smith,The Doors, Woody Allen, Lars Winnerback,suede, Bob Dylan, Bonnie Prince Billy, Bjørk, Damien Jurado,Mercury Rev,Nine Inch Nails, Kent, Townes Van Zandt, De Lillos, Ryan Adams, Rufus Wainright, Marvin Gaye, Sigur Ros, David Bowie, the Cure, Nick Drake, PJ Harvey, Grant Lee Buffalo, Lisa Ekdal, Jeff Buckley, Nina Simone, Rolling Stones, Richard Buckner,Brian Eno
Sounds Like:The Birth of LeahDavid Ruiz utgav i 2005 sin debutplate “Grass withers & flowers fade†pÃ¥ Voices of Wonder(VME). PÃ¥ denne platen ble han akkompagnert av blant annet Dan Heide (gitar), Kim og Kenneth Granly (trommer og bass) og Lars Wiik (koringer). Disse fire ble omsider døpt the Birth of Leah og sammen med David utgav disse i 2007: â€David Ruiz & the Birth of Leahâ€-den glimrende andreplaten; ogsÃ¥ pÃ¥ VME. Her med den samme besetningen bortsett fra at Lars Wiik heretter trakterer tangenter.I september, ca et halvt Ã¥r etter dette plateslippet, døde David Ruiz i en alder av 32 Ã¥r.De fire medlemmene i the Birth of Leah, som alle hadde vært nære venner av David og som naturligvis var svært preget av sorg pÃ¥ dette tidspunktet, fortsatte Ã¥ jobbe. Men fra nÃ¥ av var de nødt til Ã¥ selv komponere lÃ¥tmateriale fra grunnen av, i motsetning til før da de hadde jobbet ut arrangementer sammen med utgangspunkt i Davids tekster og melodier.Flere av medlemmene i bandet viste seg nÃ¥ som gode og egenartede sangere og lÃ¥tskrivere og Lars Wiik hadde her allerede begynt Ã¥ fÃ¥ seg et navn som soloartist(ogsÃ¥ kjent som Aluco).I løpet av et Ã¥r etter Davids bortgang hadde de fire i bandet spilt inn lÃ¥ter nok til et nytt album med the Birth of Leah under tittelen: "Transcending Beauty".Albumet "Transcending Beauty" bestÃ¥r av ti lÃ¥ter hvor bandet er innom flere musikalske landskap. Den er beskrevet som en høstplate og det med rette. Selv om stemningene og tematikken i tekstene skifter kan vi ane at alvor og tungsinn bobler hele veien like under overflaten. Midt i disse vakre melodiene kan man, hvis man vil, fornemme en uro og drama som truer med sin eksistens. Likevel, pÃ¥ tross av tristessen som ligger utilslørt i disse sangene blir lytteren paradoksalt nok gjerne oppløftet i møte med disse sangene.Bandet fant det naturlig Ã¥ kalle seg "the Birth of Leah" da Dan Heides datter Leah ble unnfanget samtidig med innspillingen av "David Ruiz & the Birth of Leah", den andre og siste platen de gjorde sammen med David Ruiz...The Birth of LeahThe Birth of Leah came to life after recording "Grass Withers and flowers fade" the mellow and beautyful debut album of David Ruiz in ... released by VME(Voices Music & Entertainment/also known as Voices of Wonder) Appearing on this album was (among others) Dan Heide on guitars, Kenneth and Kim Granly Bass and drums and Lars Wiik on backing vocals. These would later become the Birth of Leah and appear on the follow up album "David Ruiz & the Birth of Leah"..released in 2006 also by VME. Here with the same combination of instruments in addition to Lars Wiik now playing piano and organs etc. This record has already become a modern classic. The rich sound of the band and the arrangements and the intense quality of David Ruiz..vocals makes this an experience completely out of the ordinary.After completing this second album David Ruiz tragically died at the age of 32. The four members of the birth of Leah, though all in a state of mourning, began working on new material taking things in a somewhat different direction. Ruiz had crafted most of the songs and lyrics by himself up to this point and the arrangements they had all worked out together. As for the songwriting and singing from here on the Birth of Leah had to rely on themselves... and in fact they were showing great skill at it.
Their music is always emotive and intense and the lyrics suggestive. The soundscapes rich and dynamic and full of color. Although the underlying perspective is melancoly, fear, anger and hopelessness and most of all love... the music at the same time leaves the listener with a sense of wellbeing and hope.
Even though the Birth of Leah touch on delicate matters with their poetry it..s never too much and you always get the feeling that something dreadfully important just passsed you by.
Record Label: Voices Of Wonder/VME/LeahRec
Type of Label: Major