The most important thing in my life is my children
My friends are the type of people who set goals and then do what they need to do to achieve them
I love to chill, to laugh, and live life like every day was the last....
I listen to every type of music - No real favorites.
Eyes of Passion
Fiery, thats what you are. You have passion in your soul. You are the person that will defend those that you love with your very life, and to the death.
You are not a person to piss off. If ever one you loved was in danger you would be the first to offer to take their place, and without a second’s hesitation.
Forensic TV, Court TV, and of course wrestling.... MyGen Profile Generator
I read anything and everything....It mostly has to do with forensics or case files for my job at the moment...Knowledge is power
My hero is probably my dad because he gave up everything and everyone for us.My goal is to raise strong, independent children who have a sense of family, know what is right and wrong - and who stick up for someone even when it isn't the popular thing to do.